I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

to take a deep breath and say “bless them, Lord.”

This morning as I sit at my desk, I see a postcard of Walton’s Mountain, which reminds me of a TV series we watched as kids. This postcard is a fall picture, as if to tell us that this was a thing of the past. The Walton family had so little, but they shared what they had.

This is a simple thought, but a great model to follow. Matthew 7:12 is referred to as The Golden Rule in the Bible – it is so simple, yet sometimes hard to follow. “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.” So perhaps today, as I go into town and a car pulls out in front of me, or better yet, when I’m at a stop light and I don’t  move fast enough and the person behind me honks, what should my response be?

Take a deep breath and say, “Bless them Lord!”

Remember to Smile, God loves you and so do I.


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