I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Worship God Through my Work

In my previous blog post, we explored the beautiful practice of Towdah (תוֹדָה) – giving thanks to God for His provisions and blessings. Taking time to reflect on His goodness helps us realign our perspective, especially during challenging seasons. Today, let’s delve into another dimension of worship, deeply woven into our daily lives: Avodah (עֲבוֹדָה). Avodah, in its essence, goes beyond words of gratitude—it encompasses our very actions and efforts. Just as we express thankfulness through listing God’s blessings, we are also called to worship Him through our labor and service. This concept of Avodah, rooted in the Scriptures, reveals that from the very beginning, God designed our work to be a form of worship unto Him, Genesis 2:15: “The Lord God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden, to work [וְלַעֲבֹד, vela’avod] it and to guard it.” Here, we see that even in the pristine environment of Eden, God assigned Adam the noble task of cultivating and caring for the garden—a sacred duty that was not merely about physical labor, but a means of glorifying God through stewardship and diligence. As we reflect on the concept of Avodah—worship through work—it’s crucial to consider how we

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I Choose Today to work on small things

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” We tend to think of this verse for the big things: not getting a job, losing a loved one, a medical diagnosis, etc.. But what about the small stuff, the little things? Recently, I had a conversation with a customer service person about a mistake that happened on a shipment. After explaining the problem (there was a glitch in their system), she started off her explanation by saying I needed to be better at checking things on my end. Well that just got my heckles up and I responded in a negative way. The conversation escalated to where we were each responding negatively to one another and not really resolving the issue. The Holy Spirit convicted me so I stopped the conversation by asking her to talk to my husband because I needed to get to a meeting. The conversation between this rep and my husband lasted 3 minutes in which resulted in a resolution of the situation. So, how is this for good, you ask? Seems to me that

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to love people as I serve

The older I get, the more I realize the importance of serving the Lord  as a “team.” I can’t do what I once did – I need people to help me. Wow, this is so huge for me to absorb! The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:27, “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” That has finally clicked in my mind. He goes on to list SOME, but not all, of the parts God has appointed for the church. Then at the end of this chapter, Paul says, “But now let me show you the way of life that is best of all,” going straight into Chapter 13, the Love Chapter. He finishes chapter 13 with verse 13. “Three things will last FOREVER – FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE. And the greatest of all three is LOVE.” I am so thankful that God does have a plan for my life, that He has given me gifts and then opportunities to use those gifts as I serve others, and as we work as a team to do His will. I just need to also remember to act in love, for that is

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