I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Prevail

Have you ever struggled? Struggled with a relationship, finances, your weight? Struggled with a decision—choosing between your way or God’s way? Or maybe even with faith itself, wondering how God could be good with so much hardship happening around you? I know the feeling. One of the deepest struggles I’ve faced was trusting in God’s goodness after experiencing the heartbreaking loss of my son to SIDS. I can still remember the rawness of those moments: yelling, crying, and wrestling with God. It felt like I was struggling alone, silently holding pain that no one else could understand. In reflecting on my own struggles, I found deep encouragement in the story of Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32). Jacob’s story is about much more than a physical struggle; it’s about an internal wrestling with identity, sin, and faith. Jacob’s encounter with God teaches us some powerful truths about working through our struggles. 1. Perseverance in the Struggle: Jacob wrestled with God all night and refused to give up, even after being injured. His persistence shows that prevailing isn’t about overpowering God but about enduring with faith. We often face the temptation to quit when things get tough, but Jacob’s story reminds

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I Choose Today to Tidy Up

When I clean, I have been known to be a shover. I shove things in drawers, closets, cabinets, whatever I can do to hide things so my space looks tidy. On the surface, everything appears tidy, but inside those drawers, closets, and cabinets, there’s a mess that still needs to be dealt with. Being a shover of our mess when it comes to life, is not the way to go either. Because sooner or later, that mess will demand to be addressed. Unaddressed hurts or mistakes can seep into our actions, attitudes, and even relationships, catching us off guard. Often, we don’t realize how much the mess we’ve buried affects the way we respond to others. For example, when I have made a mistake or been hurt by a situation, instead of dealing with it directly, I tend to shove it down and ignore it. This leads to all kinds of issues. Believe it or not, our mess tends to manifest in ways we don’t even realize. This mess reared its ugly head when my husband gave me feedback about something. I had an inordinate response that was completely over the top! So why did I have that kind of

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I Choose Today to be Unburdened

Last weekend I hosted an event at my home. When greeting my guest at the door, I ask to take their bags, coats, and anything else that weighs them down. This allows them to relax and be unburdened. When we are unburdened, we have the freedom to be more present and enjoy ourselves with the people we are with. Jesus wants to do that for us too. When we come into His presence, He wants us to give Him our burdens, our baggage, and the things that are weighing on us. He wants to unburden us, teach us, and to give us rest for our souls. That is exactly what He is saying to us in Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬, when He vows, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” What kind of physical reaction do you have when you imagine having “rest for your soul?” I know I have a visceral response to having rest for my soul. It feels like a deep inward sense of relief, freedom, and lightness, allowing me to feel more settled. For example, when I am up in

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I Choose Today to Live Beyond Success

Recently I left my marketplace job to pursue the passion God has placed on my heart. My COO asked me what I learned about myself while working. I learned is my value and success was not tied to what I did or how the world defined my achievements. You see, at the beginning of my marketplace working career, I was told I held no value to organizations because I didn’t have a degree or professional certifications. They didn’t value the knowledge and experience I brought to the table, only what kind of degree or certifications I had. With each rejection, I began to believe what I value I did have wasn’t valuable at all. I would not be considered a success unless I aligned myself with their requirements. So I worked hard and got the degrees and certifications in record time. I went above and beyond to attain the value and be successful in the eyes of the marketplace. They were thrilled and impressed by my accomplishments. I worked in environments that upheld respect and the appearance of success. But do you want to know a secret? I was miserable. I felt like an imposter, a phony. Because the truth

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I Choose Today to Change My Spiritual Wardrobe

God’s Word is rich with practical wisdom for daily life. In his letter to the Colossians (3:12-14), Paul paints a clear picture of how we are called to interact with others: “Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” In a world where being quick to judge, offend, or harbor resentment is common, God calls us to walk a different path—a path that stands in stark contrast to our culture. We are asked to change our spiritual wardrobe and dress in qualities that reflect Christ’s character. Let’s break down what that looks like in our lives: • Make allowances for others: This means giving grace when others fall short. None of us are perfect, and offering forgiveness can create space for healing and growth in our relationships. • Forgive freely: Forgiveness isn’t just a suggestion, it’s a command. Letting go of grudges and bitterness frees us to experience the

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