I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Exhibit Self-Discipline

Self-control/discipline seems elusive sometimes. In this a day and age, people (myself included) can react inappropriately to situations. What does it mean to have self-discipline, and where does self-control come from? Self-control and self-discipline are closely related concepts, but there is a subtle difference between them: Self-control typically refers to the ability to restrain one’s impulses, desires, or emotions in the moment, particularly in situations where there may be temptations or distractions. It involves exercising moderation and making wise choices. One of the things I have exercised self-control is when it comes to eating sweets. I have learned to control my blood sugar with making life choices with my food. However, I do allow myself one bite of sweets when dessert is offered. This aligns with exercising moderation while making wise choices for my health. Self-discipline, on the other hand, is more about the ability to control one’s behavior and habits over the long term. It involves setting goals, making plans, and consistently following through with them, even when faced with obstacles or difficulties. In essence, self-control often pertains to immediate actions or reactions, while self-discipline is about maintaining a broader sense of control and direction in one’s life. Both

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I Choose Today my Abba Father

The churches in our area have partnered up with the county to host guests who need a warm, safe bed during these cold winter nights. On one such night when it was our churches opportunity to host, my husband and I were able to be hands and feet. During dinner, we had the opportunity to hear some of their stories. One gentleman was regaling us with stories of his youth; how he was a sports phenom of his day. He was making the papers, setting new sports records, had college offers which would set him up for life. During the course of the evening we spent with him, he kept talking about he had life by the tail when he was young. When asked what changed the trajectory of his life, he said drugs. But then, through further conversation, he tearfully explained his reason for his pain; what hurt he was trying to cover through the escape of drugs. He explained, with all of his games he had in high school, all the accolades he received from everyone at school, in the community, with college coaches, there was something missing; someone missing. You see, his dad never came to one

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I Choose Today to be embolden by the power of God’s Word

God: the source of all power. David spent most of his development years out with the sheep. This job was a dirty job, a lowly job, an unregarded job, a lonely/isolated job. But it was during this time where David got to love God, His Word, and see Him in action. God was David’s constant companion. David noticed God in everything he saw. David depended on God for his and his sheep’s basic needs and protection. His relationship with God was very personal (that is probably why David was torn up when people disrespected/disregarded God’s Word/laws/decrees). David relied on God’s strength every day while tending to his sheep, which served as a training ground for the challenges he would later face. I think that is why the Psalms are so encouraging. They are like a balm for our souls. They resonate with us because we can relate to David’s struggles, but we also witness his deep relationship with the Lord. David depended on God for the strength and power to make it through each day, each struggle, and to not loose hope. David used the power of God’s Word to encourage, strengthen, embolden, and comfort him through his trials. I

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