I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

To stop, take a breath, and listen.

Good morning, my friend, yesterday was Thursday, the 3rd day of Orientation at school. My professor is teaching us the importance of learning the basics at the hospital. As a chaplain, it’s important to understand protocol. In a hospital setting this is very important thing to follow. One of the things I have come to understand is what to do when an emergency happens, when the adrenaline starts to pump quickly through your body. We all react differently, but, knowing what to do is key.

Have you ever gone into a hospital and over the intercom you hear the operator is calling out a code and telling the response team where to go. As a chaplain, if this involves me, I have to listen and respond. I don’t have time to look up the code and try to figure out what it means – I have to respond quickly. A person’s life may depend on what I do next. This has been a hard thing for me to do.

In my daily life, I don’t always listen to what is being said and try to quickly give an answer to get off the phone. I need to learn to pull over to the side of the road and give the caller my undivided attention, write down the request, and pray. I should follow what I have been taught me to do, and then do it. This will keep me from swerving all over the road and having to call the person back.

The Bible warns us to not be quick to do, but to stop, take a breath, and listen. I pray that today this will encourage you to stop, take a breath and listen. Then after praying to our Faithful God, respond.

Smile, God loves you and so do I.


5 thoughts on “To stop, take a breath, and listen.”

  1. I love this reminder to stop, take a breath, and listen. So often, I am so busy, that I don’t take the time. Sometimes, even after I pray, I don’t take the time to stop, breathe, and listen to God’s response; His guidance, His wisdom. Then I go about my busyness and not God’s business. This is a very timely, practical reminder.

    I love how God uses everyday life to teach us!

  2. Thanks, Larry for you thoughts.
    We definitely need to ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance every day and then be obedient to His leading.
    Have a good day!


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