I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

to share in the joy

A number of years ago when my nephew, Daniel, was living here at Siloam Missionary Homes, it started to snow. They were huge flakes and you could hardly see because it was coming down so hard. His dad, John, called me on the phone and I heard his son say, “Dad, tell Uncle Larry to come outside and share the joy!”  They were missionaries from Manaus, Brazil and never had seen snow!  He was so excited and he wanted to share the snow with me.

Isn’t that the way we need to be about Jesus?  He has given me joy and it makes me want to share the joy of my salvation. Psalm 51: 8-10  “Oh, give me back joy again; you have broken me – now let me rejoice.”

So today, my friend, share the joy of your salvation with a friend and bless them as He has so blessed you.

Smile, God loves you, and so do I.


2 thoughts on “to share in the joy”

  1. Thank you for sharing your joy with me over the years. Especially the time when it was with you guys sharing the joy of your salvation that I gave my life to the Lord Jesus! Thank you for being a faithful ambassador for Christ and sharing the joy!


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