I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

to let everyday be like Christmas.

Joyce and I are going through a Bible plan together and each day is like Christmas morning to me. Growing up as a little boy, I remember well the excitement that would start to build at Thanksgiving. In those days, you waited until the day after Thanksgiving to put up your Christmas decorations. Our Christmas would begin with getting the Christmas tree. I know it’s hard to believe, but we could buy a tree for $7.00. They were in the front yard of Mrs. Miller’s house.

I remember one year that I had $5.00 in my pocket from delivering newspapers and Mrs. Miller let me purchase one of her trees for the $5.00 I had. This was before cell phones and I suddenly realized I had no way to get it home!  And on top of all this, I still had newspapers to deliver. I remember finishing my route and then getting my brothers to help me put the tree on a sled and drag it home.

Just writing this makes me excited for Christmas to come. We can carry the joy of Christmas every day by spending time with the Lord and reading His words of joy. One of these verses is in Psalm 27:4 “The one thing I ask of the Lord – the thing I seek the most – is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His Temple.” We can have this joy every day. I pray that today the Lord will use you to spread this joy to every person you greet. Oh, and by the way don’t forget to tell your face! A smile is free.

Smile, God loves you, and so do I.


2 thoughts on “to let everyday be like Christmas.”

  1. “I pray that today the Lord will use you to spread this joy to every person you greet. Oh, and by the way don’t forget to tell your face! A smile is free.” I love this!!!! Give a smile to others! Thank you for the encouragement!


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