I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

to keep my eyes on the door.

Today I choose to keep my eyes on the entrance door. I remember the day I got married. I had just turned 20 and I was all dressed, waiting in Pastor Johnson’s study for the wedding to start. I began to fidget, but I was excited to see my bride, Joyce. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Pastor Johnson looked at me and asked, “Are you ready?”  He opened the door and we walked into the sanctuary and took our places in the front of the church. The music started and the ushers brought in the grandparents. I was so proud. Then my parents. Then the bride’s mother. The bridesmaids, Linda and Mary, were followed by Becca, Joyce’s sister. Then my little sister, Sara (5 years old), followed them,  throwing flower pedals on the floor as she came. The organ started to play the wedding song and then the doors opened and I heard a gasp. There in the entrance way was the most beautiful woman in the world. As she walked arm in arm with her dad, all I could think of was “wow!!”  As she got closer and closer I could see her beautiful smile

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To Wait Expectantly…

Habakkuk 2:1 demonstrates waiting expectantly for God to answer him when he states, “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint.”  ‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬ I love what Habakkuk did here. He stated his complaint, his doubts, his fears to God. Habakkuk was honest with God in how he felt about what was happening around him. But he didn’t just tell Him what was on his heart and walk away, nor did he think that God wasn’t listening, didn’t care, or wouldn’t respond/act on his complaint. No, Habakkuk did something remarkable; he set himself in a position to hear from God. He climb up to his watchtower. He set himself above the fray, above the noise and chaos, above any distractions. There he stood watching, waiting expectantly for God to answer. Even though Habakkuk was complaining to God about his circumstances, he was waiting expectantly for God’s response. Habakkuk’s example is a reminder for me to live and wait expectantly. Expect God to listen. Expect God to care. Expect God to answer. To position myself – above the fray, the

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Let my talk be my walk

Good morning my friend,  In life we have many choices. I choose today to “let my talk be my walk.” I wake up with ideas. People cal me “the idea man!”  A pastor told me one time that I have so many ideas that just listening to me makes him tired. Yes, that me. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they are not so good. A number of years ago, we had built the first duplex for missionaries and a small office building next to our side of the duplex. I needed a sidewalk because it was always muddy at the bottom of the steps.  I asked Al Mitchell, one of our volunteers, to make me a wooden sidewalk. I assumed he knew what I was thinking and would do it the way I was thinking.  Al spent a couple of day building this and when it was finished, it was very nice, but it was not done the way I was thinking. Seeing my frustration, my wife, Joyce,  said to me, “Larry, Al did a great job. He built a sidewalk just like you asked him to. But he did it the way he thought you wanted. If you

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To use my tools

In my minds eye, everyone has a life tool chest. Before I became a Christian, it was filled with survival tools of which I used to survive. But when I became a believer, God started replacing those survival tools with tools equipping me to thrive. These tools were derived from the Word of God, through trials, perseverance, experience. That is why James says, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬. With each trial is an opportunity to build life’s tool chest; tools we can use to be successful in all we do and go through. I think of Joesph who went through trial after trial, but God used the tools he accumulated during those trials to make Joesph the leader God designed him to be. I believe God is doing that in my life. I believe He has replaced those survival tools I once used just to get by, and

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Never Quit!

I choose today to never quit. Back on April 2, 2018 I was standing on top of a mountain in Thailand, waiting for a Sunday morning service to start. You see, God brought me to Thailand with a Brazilian missionary, James Neves. I met James and his family when they came to live at Siloam Missionary Homes, a place that missionaries call home. They had come to take classes at a local community college in order to learn English, because the teachers who teach English in Thailand are generally English speakers. So, in order to learn Thai, James and his wife needed to learn English. Because there was no one in Thailand to take James and Andrea’s place while they were in the US, he needed to return to Thailand for a couple of weeks to check on his work. James asked me if I would go with him so I could see his ministry. I looked at this as an opportunity to experience Thailand. My wife, Joyce, and I had started Siloam Missionary Homes, and after meeting many missionary families, we had taken several mission trips in order to better understand what they did. As a result, this helped

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