I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Seek Deliverance

Have you ever found yourself holding onto something that you know is weighing you down—fear, anxiety, guilt—but felt too paralyzed to let it go? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us cling to chains God never meant for us to bear. The good news is that God is a Deliverer, and He longs to set us free. Today, let’s explore how His promises invite us to cry out to Him and experience His transforming power. ““Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; He snapped their chains.” (Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭13‬-14). He delivered them from their distresses! What a promise! So why do we hold onto our chains, our fears, anxieties, addiction, tendencies? Do we think our chains will go away on their own, as Pharaoh did when he waited an entire day to ask for deliverance from the frogs? When asked by Moses when he (Pharaoh) wanted to be delivered from the plague, ““Do it tomorrow,” Pharaoh said.” (Exodus‬ ‭8‬:‭10‬a). How often do we do the same—putting off deliverance until ‘tomorrow,’ even when we’re overwhelmed by our burdens? What are we waiting for? Why are

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I Choose Today to Find God in My Loneliness

I Choose Today to Find God in My Loneliness The other day, I had a conversation with someone I see regularly. As we discussed my upcoming podcast, she shared her thoughts on what people need most in today’s world. Among the things she mentioned, one word stuck with me: loneliness. One such occasion was the psalmist who described himself in this way, “I am like an owl in the desert, like a little owl in a far-off wilderness. I lie awake, lonely as a solitary bird on the roof.” Psalms‬ ‭102‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬ The owl is significant in this passage because it is a bird who lives in isolation. Owls are known for inhabiting deserted or desolate places, such as ruins, wilderness, or abandoned areas. The psalmist refers to the owl in the desert and wilderness to emphasize feelings of being removed from society, surrounded by barrenness, and cut off from the vibrancy of life. I know there are seasons of my life where I feel like the owl: isolated and removed from the vibrancy of life. Especially after the holidays, where the hustle and bustle of activities keep our minds busy, I find myself feeling alone, isolated, in the wilderness

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I Choose Today to Tell My Story

The “great commission” is something with which most believers are familiar: ”And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.“ ‭‭Mark‬ ‭16‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬ This can be daunting. Some say this means we are to leave our jobs, homes, friends, and families to go to countries around the world to proclaim and preach the gospel. While this is true for some, most of us are not called to do that. But the “great commission” is for everyone: you and myself included. ”Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies.“ Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬. Another version says it this way, ”Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…“ (NIV). Everyone has a story to tell: experiences God has brought them through, deliverance from something or someone, provision for a need, healing from sickness or trauma, redeeming relationships. In the rest of Psalms 107, David gives examples of people who cried out to God, and He answered them. People who were wandering in the desert alone, hopeless, and hungry cried out to God and “He put them on a wonderful road that took [them] straight to

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I Choose Today to Show Up

Last week, we talked about how Satan tormented Jesus when He was in a weakened state, (see “I Choose Today to Fix My Mind”). Last year I was in a weakened state and Satan took his opportunity to torment me. I had the perception of being stuck, unmotivated by almost everything, including my work, relationships, and even my walk with the Lord. It seemed I was going through the motions without feeling. I lived like I was lost, and I didn’t know what to do about it. Satan was telling me I held no value, I didn’t measure up. He reminded me of all the negative talk spoken to me from my early years. He was tormenting me in my weakened state. I can remember taking a walk and crying out to the Lord! Literally crying out! You know what happened? He met me where I was. All I had the energy to do was show up. That is what I heard God speak to my heart. So, I would show up to quiet time and He was there. He was there to listen. He was there to start the healing of my heart. He was there to show me

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