I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Rest with Purpose

Rest, Wait, Learn, Renew: These are Actions I recently read about someone who had to learn how to rest, wait, learn, and renew by being still for a period of time due to a medical condition. It made me wonder: What would I do if faced with doing “nothing”? Would the inactivity drive me crazy, or could I discover purpose within it? How could I embrace resting, waiting, learning, and renewing as this person did? What’s fascinating is that all these words—resting, waiting, learning, renewing—are verbs. A verb is typically seen as a word that describes an action, state, or experience. Yet, these particular actions seem passive at first glance. But are they really? When we delve deeper, we realize that even in our stillness, we are actively participating in something profound. 1. Resting: Rest is not just being inactive; it’s a deliberate act of restoration—of strength, health, and energy. True rest, especially rest for the soul, can only be accomplished through Christ Jesus. Isaiah 40:31 beautifully captures this: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not

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I Choose Today the Call to Action

Since I began writing this blog, I have learned a lot about how to write a blog (which I had no idea how to do when I felt the Lord’s prompting). One of the ways blogs are enhanced is to add a “call to action” at the end of the post. A call to action refers to a speech, written content, or action prompting or motivating individuals to take specific action. It is when I encourage the reader, you, into some sort of action to reinforce the topic written about in the blog. However, modern day bloggers and marketers are not the originators of calls to action. The oldest and best selling book, the Bible, is full of calls to action. Abraham was called to action to leave his home to go where God was leading him to go Abraham went about readying his son for sacrifice Moses’ parents hid their son so he wouldn’t be killed by Pharaoh Noah built an ark when it had never rained before Ester went before the King to save her people David went to battle with a giant in defense of his God and God’s people Jesus called us to action when He

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I Choose Today to Take Action

“So he got up and came to his father…” Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭20‬a ‭AMP‬‬ I find that I am a procrastinator. I even took pride in my ability to excel at tasks when done last minute (because I procrastinated). Then the Lord convicted me to be a servant of action. He made me realize that my procrastination, which is essentially delayed obedience, amounted to disobedience. I heard a saying “delayed obedience is disobedience.” This phrase convicted me. I tried to intentionally teach this “rule” when raising my daughter. I never counted to three because that promotes delaying obedience. I did this bc I wanted her to live a life that was immediately responsive to God’s voice, to God’s prompting, to God’s calling,… to God. God, in His proactive love, demonstrated His mercy to us even while we were still sinners. He took action by sending Christ to die for us, providing a way for our reconciliation with Him after the fall in the garden. I want to be an imitator of God by being a person of action, not of procrastination. This is not different when it comes to my sin. When I have my AHA moment (sudden awakening) and I am

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To believe the truth and not the lie

I love meaning of having a life changing “AHA” moment in life: a moment of realization or understanding by being honest and then taking action (having an immediate response). This brings to mind what I was raised to believe about myself: “stupid, dumb, and would never amount to anything so don’t even try.” But I had an “AHA” moment (which I believe is God breathed) that told me what was being instilled into me was a lie (sudden awakening). I had to look at the ways I was allowing those words to live out in my life: allowing other people’s words to be the truth, not having self worth, self-medicating, running, just trying to survive. I had to break the circle of destruction in my life by the choices I made to perpetuate these lies (brutally honest). But how would I do that when I didn’t have any adult in my life speaking the truth about who I am (a child of God who is unconditionally loved)? I had no tools in my life’s tool chest to navigate this road to healing. The only tools I had were of what not to do or survival tools. But God… “For God

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