I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Rely on God’s Strength

Strength… The thing about strength is that it is necessary for life. There is not only physical strength, emotional strength, and mental strength, but also spiritual strength. The dictionary defines strength as “the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.” How can we possibly withstand great forces or pressures in our daily lives? The same way Jesus did. As we continue our study on the seven-fold Spirit in Isaiah 11:2, I want to look at the Spirit of Might and how we can apply it in our lives. Isaiah 11:2 describes seven attributes of the Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus as He came to fulfill the law of sacrifice and restore our relationship with God forever. In order to do this, He needed supernatural, divine strength. Jesus operated in supernatural strength—physically, spiritually, and in authority over creation. When He was in the wilderness for forty days, He was strengthened to overcome spiritual attacks and resist temptation. Luke 4:1-14 tells us that He was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and returned in the power of the Spirit. That same Spirit strengthens us to resist the enemy. Ephesians 6:10-11 reminds us that we are not

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I Choose Today to Prevail

Have you ever struggled? Struggled with a relationship, finances, your weight? Struggled with a decision—choosing between your way or God’s way? Or maybe even with faith itself, wondering how God could be good with so much hardship happening around you? I know the feeling. One of the deepest struggles I’ve faced was trusting in God’s goodness after experiencing the heartbreaking loss of my son to SIDS. I can still remember the rawness of those moments: yelling, crying, and wrestling with God. It felt like I was struggling alone, silently holding pain that no one else could understand. In reflecting on my own struggles, I found deep encouragement in the story of Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32:22-32). Jacob’s story is about much more than a physical struggle; it’s about an internal wrestling with identity, sin, and faith. Jacob’s encounter with God teaches us some powerful truths about working through our struggles. 1. Perseverance in the Struggle: Jacob wrestled with God all night and refused to give up, even after being injured. His persistence shows that prevailing isn’t about overpowering God but about enduring with faith. We often face the temptation to quit when things get tough, but Jacob’s story reminds

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I Choose Today to Set Priorities

My husband and I have some long time friends who opened up to us about a struggle they were having in their marriage. The reason for their struggle is they were not prioritizing spending time together. They each had their own agenda of what they needed/wanted to do, but most times it didn’t include the other person. Soon feeling neglect were realized and tension and accusation began. My husband and I shared with them what we do to be intentional about prioritizing our relationship. Each morning, we “meet” in his office to have coffee, conversation, devotional, and prayer; we call it our touchpoint. It usually lasts from 15-30 minutes, as time allows. Then on Fridays, after work, we sit on the porch for some “back porch sitting,” to wind down our week together. Yet another prioritized touchpoint. These two touch-points have done wonders for our relationship. We have found out more about each other, have lively conversation, laughed together, cried together, asked for forgiveness, and been forgiven. There is another relationship that needs prioritized with the same intentionality as we do for our marriages; our relationship with our heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When I intentionally spend time

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I Choose Today to Embrace

You ever wonder why you go through hard things? Do you ever ask God what He would allow it? Have you ever asked God why? I know I have. In a recent conversation, I connected with a young woman navigating a challenging phase. She was grappling with the prospect of lifelong medication due to a medical issue. Seeking support, she reached out to me, because she knew I’ve also navigated a similar path in my own life. About eight years ago, I was told I would need to be on a medication for the rest of my life. I went through an emotional rollercoaster that entailed feelings of failure because I wasn’t in control of my health; and grief because I was loosing my independence from medication and treatment. I felt less-than. I cried, was embarrassed, and felt shame. However, these were all lies that had infiltrated my mind, my thoughts, my heart. In reality, the medicine was the miracle! I had no control over my condition, but I could accept the miracle of medicine to live a healthy life. God taught me that and I learned to walk in the freedom of that truth! If I hadn’t walked through

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I Choose Today to share hope in trauma…

He makes ALL things new and fresh! If you have been through something traumatic, then you have experienced trauma. Trauma is not normal. Trauma is not to be minimized or marginalized. Trauma is not meant to be compared. The other day, I was asked to lead a group of moms in our church’s MOPS ministry. The topic was anxiety and depression. One of the discussion questions asked, ‘Have you ever lost something you had been anxious about losing?’ and ‘Was it easier or harder than you had anticipated?’ My answer to these questions was ‘yes’ to both. Yes, I have lost something, and yes, it was harder than anticipated. These questions had me asking the Lord for wisdom on what to share with these young ladies. But I felt the Holy Spirit encouraging me to talk about my traumatic experience of losing my son to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); a mother’s worst nightmare. But when I talked about my worst anxiety coming true, I also talked about how God was (is) present to help in healing and walking me through the trauma. I talked about even when your anxiety is realized, God is there to: – take your hand

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