I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Love Mercy

Over the last couple of blogs, we have been exploring our Product Owner’s requirements (found in Micah 6:8) and how we can demonstrate them to those in our sphere of influence. The first one covered was to act justly (living right when no one is watching and defending those who need someone on their side).

Let’s start by reviewing Micah 6:8: “No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right [do what is fair; to act justly], to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Why do you think one of God’s requirements for us is to love mercy? Just as “acting justly” is a characteristic of who God is, loving mercy is also a characteristic of God.

The meaning of mercy is unwarranted or undeserved kindness and compassion.

Showing kindness to others, especially to those who do not deserve it, can be very difficult. Surely God knows what that person did to me and doesn’t expect me to be kind to them, right?

Let’s look at an example from the Word of God. How about how God dealt with Paul (Saul)? Paul went about persecuting anyone who professed Christ as their Savior. He declared it his mission to eradicate Christians from the earth. But God, being loving and merciful, met Paul where he was along life’s journey, opened his eyes to see the truth (after blinding him first (ironic)), and set him on a new path of demonstrating God’s mercy to the world!

Paul was thought to be an enemy of God. But Paul received undeserved kindness and mercy from God, then went about telling others about God’s love!

Exhibiting loving mercy to others means showing compassion, kindness, and forgiveness, just as God had compassion on Paul and forgave him.

We need to be willing to extend forgiveness to those who don’t warrant or deserve it. We need to show kindness without expecting kindness in return.

Add a little gentleness, patience, and understanding to our interactions with others. I guarantee it will make a difference, in you and to God. Give it a try. Get out there and demonstrate God’s loving mercy today.

Reflect on someone in your life who needs your mercy today. It might be a friend, family member, or even a stranger. Take a moment to extend kindness and forgiveness to them, without expecting anything in return. Share your experience with someone you trust and encourage them to do the same. Let’s create a ripple effect of God’s loving mercy in our world.


1 thought on “I Choose Today to Love Mercy”

  1. I pray for mercy often and I continue to pray it over my Dad with all his struggles and poor choices in the past.


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