I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

To have a Happy Countenance

Good morning my friend. Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart does good, like medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones.” (NKJV) I love this verse because it reminds me of my mom. I usually call her every morning while I’m on my way to school. The drive is 30 minutes, so it’s my time with her. She is 87 and loves talking with her children and friends. Her way of looking at life is greatly affected by what people talk to her about. So, If I call and feel troubled, she becomes fearful. If I’m telling her the good things going on, she’s happy. And when she’s happy, everything is good. Adriane Rogers says “Not only can negative emotions take life from your years, but they can also take years from your life.” So, this morning I want to encourage you. Life is good. The Son is shining in my heart and I pray that today you can share Jesus by people seeing a happy countenance on your face. If your happy inside, let the world see it.

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I Choose Today my Abba Father

The churches in our area have partnered up with the county to host guests who need a warm, safe bed during these cold winter nights. On one such night when it was our churches opportunity to host, my husband and I were able to be hands and feet. During dinner, we had the opportunity to hear some of their stories. One gentleman was regaling us with stories of his youth; how he was a sports phenom of his day. He was making the papers, setting new sports records, had college offers which would set him up for life. During the course of the evening we spent with him, he kept talking about he had life by the tail when he was young. When asked what changed the trajectory of his life, he said drugs. But then, through further conversation, he tearfully explained his reason for his pain; what hurt he was trying to cover through the escape of drugs. He explained, with all of his games he had in high school, all the accolades he received from everyone at school, in the community, with college coaches, there was something missing; someone missing. You see, his dad never came to one

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I Choose Today God’s Best

Recently, my husband needed to make some changes to his diet based on some lab work that he received. Nothing serious, however, left unchecked, it could turn into something serious. So, being the loving wife that I am, and the fact that I love him so much that I want him around living his best life, I started gradually making those changes for him (bc I am the one who cooks and shops for the family). At first there was a struggle with my husband. He wanted what he wanted, not necessarily what he needed. Soon he started to see the validity of the changes and started to own them. Now, 6 months later, he can look back and see that even though it wasn’t what he wanted, he made the changes that were needed. That is the same with God. He gives us what we need, not necessarily what we want. He too does it out of love for us and to see us live our best and purposed  life here on earth. ”Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show

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To stop, take a breath, and listen.

Good morning, my friend, yesterday was Thursday, the 3rd day of Orientation at school. My professor is teaching us the importance of learning the basics at the hospital. As a chaplain, it’s important to understand protocol. In a hospital setting this is very important thing to follow. One of the things I have come to understand is what to do when an emergency happens, when the adrenaline starts to pump quickly through your body. We all react differently, but, knowing what to do is key. Have you ever gone into a hospital and over the intercom you hear the operator is calling out a code and telling the response team where to go. As a chaplain, if this involves me, I have to listen and respond. I don’t have time to look up the code and try to figure out what it means – I have to respond quickly. A person’s life may depend on what I do next. This has been a hard thing for me to do. In my daily life, I don’t always listen to what is being said and try to quickly give an answer to get off the phone. I need to learn to pull

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I Choose Today to Not Be Enticed

Satan is arrogant. He was arrogant to think he could entice the Son of God to sin. Satan waited until Jesus was weak from hunger to tempt Him. ”Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry. During that time the devil came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.”“ Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬ He also spoke to Jesus’ arrogance (if He were) to do things out of the will of God: use His power to turn stones into bread; give Jesus the whole kingdom if He bowed down and worshipped Satan. He was speaking to His flesh, His arrogance. That is what he did to Adam and Eve (that they would know good and evil like God). That is what he does to us. That is what he does to me. Waiting for the opportunity of weakness to strike. But Jesus is the opposite of arrogant; He is humble. Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. He wants us to follow the example He sets

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