I Choose Today...

I Choose Today the Call to Action

Since I began writing this blog, I have learned a lot about how to write a blog (which I had no idea how to do when I felt the Lord’s prompting). One of the ways blogs are enhanced is to add a “call to action” at the end of the post. A call to action refers to a speech, written content, or action prompting or motivating individuals to take specific action. It is when I encourage the reader, you, into some sort of action to reinforce the topic written about in the blog. However, modern day bloggers and marketers are not the originators of calls to action. The oldest and best selling book, the Bible, is full of calls to action. Abraham was called to action to leave his home to go where God was leading him to go Abraham went about readying his son for sacrifice Moses’ parents hid their son so he wouldn’t be killed by Pharaoh Noah built an ark when it had never rained before Ester went before the King to save her people David went to battle with a giant in defense of his God and God’s people Jesus called us to action when He

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