I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Use My Words for Love

I recently read a story about balcony and basement people. Balcony people cheer you on and use their words to lift you up. Basement people, on the other hand, bring you down with their words.

When we read this description, certain people come to mind. We can all be balcony people, but we can easily become basement people too.

Sometimes, it is those closest to us that we treat as basement people because we feel secure in their love and lash out. I know I need to do better with that. The balcony/basement analogy is one that will stick with me.

Even when those closest to us act as basement people, our response as balcony people can stop the cycle of destruction in our relationships. This is what true love is, according to 1 Corinthians 13:

“Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs… It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”

Now, translate these principles into how we respond to those we love. Replace the word “love” with “words.” How does that change things for us? It challenges me. If my words exhibit patience and kindness, and are not rude, irritable, self-seeking, or bring up past wrongs, how different would my interactions be?

What if I choose to use my words to bear hardships, endure hard times, and always be hopeful and believe in the good? What if I choose my words for love, to bring life? Because if we use our words out of love, they will never fail, right?

One of the biggest reasons I started my blog is to use my words to enrich, empower, encourage, and embolden those who hear them. I want to say what God wants me to say. That means bringing life into the world with my words. I know I am not perfect, but I am intentionally learning about the power of my words.

Before I speak, I need to take a deep breath and contemplate the power and effect of my words.

“Lord Jesus, our heart’s desire is to use our words to bring positive change into our sphere of influence, especially to those we love. We fail so much at this, and we ask for Your forgiveness. When we are in the throes of a conversation with our loved ones, help us to remember what Your love demonstrates; allowing us to use our words accordingly. Thank You for Your example of what love looks like. Help us to be balcony people to EVERYONE we come in contact with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Take a moment today to reflect on how you use your words. Are you being a balcony person or a basement person? Challenge yourself to lift someone up with your words today. Share your experiences in the comments below, or reach out to someone who might need your encouragement. Let’s choose to use our words for love and make a positive impact together!


2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Use My Words for Love”

  1. What a great illustration… I want to be a balcony person! “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, Lord!”


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