I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to be Thankful to Jesus

It is not a coincidence Jesus died and rose again during Passover week. There is amazing significance between the two events. It starts with the reason for the Passover celebration.

The Passover commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, as described in the Old Testament book of Exodus. During the original Passover, the Israelites were instructed to sacrifice a lamb and mark their doorposts with its blood so that the angel of death would “pass over” their homes, sparing their firstborn children from death.

The connection between the Passover and Jesus’ sacrifice becomes evident when we examine God’s Word, where Jesus is often referred to as the “Lamb of God,” (“Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!“ John‬ ‭1‬:‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬). His crucifixion is seen as the ultimate sacrificial act, where He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. By dying on the cross, Jesus fulfilled the symbolism of the Passover lamb, providing salvation and liberation from spiritual slavery.

Therefore, the timing of Jesus’ death during the Passover festival is seen as significant, symbolizing the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and the establishment of a new covenant between God and humanity through Jesus’ sacrifice.

Jesus completed the need for sacrifice; He bridged the chasm between God and man caused by the fall. God shed blood of an animal to cover Adam and Eve’s shame; Jesus shed blood to cover our sin permanently, once and for all.

There is a song by Charity Gayle called Thank You Jesus for the Blood, with lyrics that describe the beautiful sacrifice saying,

“Sin separated

The breach was far too wide

But from the far side of the chasm

You held me in your sight

So You made a way

Across the great divide

Left behind Heaven’s throne

To build it here inside

And there at the cross

You paid the debt I owed

Broke my chains, freed my soul

For the first time I had hope.”

It goes on to say, “Thank you Jesus for the blood applied; Thank you Jesus; it has washed me white; Thank you Jesus, You have saved my life.”

“Jesus, that is my praise to You: thank You for Your blood; thank You for washing my sin away; thank You for saving my life.”

As we reflect on the profound significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the eve of the resurrection, let us respond with gratitude and praise. Take a moment to thank Jesus for His blood shed for our salvation. Consider how His sacrifice has personally impacted your life, and if you feel moved, share your thoughts or experiences in the comments below. May this time of reflection deepen our appreciation for the incredible gift of grace we have received through Christ’s sacrifice.

Below is a link to the song I referenced. Let it be a worship of thankfulness to the Lord.



4 thoughts on “I Choose Today to be Thankful to Jesus”

  1. I am so grateful to Jesus for His willingness to take my penalty on Himself on the cross. I think we forget how great was the suffering and the sacrifice. This week is a good time to remember and be thankful for the greatest love ever shown to me, to every person. And to think that Jesus continues to show His love for me by sitting by God’s side and interceding – talking to God about me. His love is unmeasurable, His grace so free. “Thank you, Jesus, for the blood applied…”

    • What a beautiful display of worship. Our relationship with Jesus is personal, to Him and to us, isn’t it? I can meditate just on what you said about Jesus sitting at the Father’s side, interceding for us, for me, and be absolutely humbled and blown away by this. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart. ❤️


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