I Choose Today...

I Choose Today Surrender

This morning I was listening to some praise and worship as part of my quiet time when the lyrics spoke to my heart in a mighty way,

“My one life endeavor

To match Your surrender

To mirror not my will but Yours…

Oh I surrender all” (Abandoned ~ by Benjamin William Hastings, Brandon Lake) (link to song located below blog).

This took me back to the scene when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane as He prepares for His crucifixion

“Saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done” (Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭42‬).

It got me thinking, if Jesus was willing to surrender His will to that of the Father, how much more should I do likewise? For my endeavor, to strive to live and say the same, “not my will, Lord, but Your will be done.”

As I embark on the new journey to which God is calling me, I need to daily repeat and strive toward the example Christ gave during this pivotal moment. As I open my eyes, I want my heart to sing,  “My one life endeavor

To match Your surrender

To mirror not my will but Yours…

Oh I surrender all.”

Take a moment today to pause and ask God where He is inviting you to surrender your will. Write down your thoughts and commit to embracing His guidance in your journey.



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