I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Stay Focused on God’s Plan

I just love Simon Peter. Peter was the most bold, outspoken, and enthusiastic of all the disciples. He was the first to put himself out there for God; to take a stand, to be bold in how he felt, to be a leader among his peers.

But even Peter lost his courage when he took his focus off God, as illustrated in Matthew 14:30-31, “But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. ‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’”

I surmise that Jesus was teaching Peter, the other disciples, and you and me that in order to achieve anything for Christ, we need to keep our focus squarely on Him.

Jesus knew what was in store for Peter and He was preparing him for his destiny. Jesus knew Peter would need to be bold, take a stand, and be courageous in his destiny: spreading the Good News of Christ. Therefore, Jesus was preparing and reminding Peter where his strength, courage, and boldness came from, so he could reach the destination (his destiny) for which God had for him.

Just like when driving and seeing an accident on the other side of the road, or when we see the beautiful sights along the countryside, we look, and our car goes where we look. We swerve out of our lane, our path, and can cause an accident, get ourselves and/or someone else hurt in the process.

When we take our focus off God, we begin to doubt God’s plan for our lives. We become terrified by all the “what-ifs,” the obstacles, the current circumstances, and begin to become overwhelmed. This causes indecision, confusion, and fear, all the while we are sinking.

We need to keep our focus on God/Jesus and not our circumstances. Satan would like nothing more than to distract us from our destiny by shifting our focus away. Another deception for trying to thwart God’s plans.

When we keep our focus on where we are going, on our path, we can navigate to our goal, our destination, our destiny. So when we find ourselves sinking under the heaviness of doubt and fear, let us take Peter’s example and cry out to God to bring us back into focus.

Today, choose to realign your focus with God’s purpose for your life. Ask Him to redirect your gaze when distractions and doubts begin to take over. Trust that He knows the destiny He has set for you, and He will strengthen you to fulfill it. Take time today to pray and ask God for renewed clarity and unwavering faith.


3 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Stay Focused on God’s Plan”

  1. What a great reminder!! It’s a mystery why we allow circumstances to distract us when we have such an amazing God! He has been faithful and He will continue to be. Praise Him!

    • Yes, we are constantly telling God about our circumstances (like He doesn’t already know) and not telling our circumstances about our God. He has a solution all ready to take care of everything, we just need to keep our focus on Him and wait expectantly on Him to act. It is always amazing to see how He acts, right?

  2. I needed this so much!!
    Thank you ❤️
    God please help me to stay focused and keep my eyes on You and what Your will is for my life.🙏


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