I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Embrace Divine Solitude

Today, as I was reading about the life of the apostle John, two things stood out to me, particularly regarding his exile to the island of Patmos. The first is the time he spent there. John was on Patmos for about a year or two, exiled by Emperor Domitian around 95 AD. The exact length of his stay isn’t entirely clear, but what matters more is what God did during this time of isolation.

While on the island of Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation. God gave him profound visions that have shaped the Christian Church for centuries. What strikes me most is that John was alone, in a quiet, isolated place, which allowed him to hear clearly from God. Without the distractions of the outside world, John could be still and fully open to God’s voice.

Emperor Domitian intended for John’s exile to silence him and stop his influence on the spread of Christianity. But God had other plans. By placing John in solitude, in an environment where he could be quiet and listen, God did a mighty work. I find this incredibly significant because it shows that sometimes we need to step away from the busyness of life to hear God’s voice clearly. Often, we fill our lives with activity—even in doing God’s work—but we don’t leave enough room for God to move in the ways He desires. It’s in the quiet moments, when we remove distractions, that we can truly hear Him.

The second thing that struck me is John’s age during this time—he was about 95 years old. Even at such an advanced age, God used John in a powerful way. This resonates with me deeply. As long as we have breath, we have purpose. John may have been considered an old man, but that didn’t stop God from working through him to fulfill His divine plan. John’s short time on Patmos resulted in a message that has impacted believers throughout history.

John’s life reminds me that no matter where we are, no matter our age, God’s plans for us are still unfolding. We just need to be willing to listen.

This week, I challenge you to find moments of stillness. Take five or ten minutes each day to step away from distractions—no phone, no noise, just you and God. Ask Him to speak to you and guide you, just as He did with John. And remember, your age or circumstances don’t define your usefulness to God. He’s still working through you.


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