I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Surrender

I’m going to take you back to your school days. Do you remember the laws of multiplication as they pertain to zero? Any number multiplied by zero will always result in zero. No matter the number—whether it’s 2, 2,000, or 2 zillion—the answer is always zero.

But when there’s a number greater than zero, even as small as one, it makes all the difference. The product will be at least as much as the multiplier—whether 2, 2,000, or 2 zillion.

This brings me to the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (not including the women and children who were also present). It’s a story of God’s law of multiplication. There were so many people needing food, yet there seemed to be no resources to feed the multitude.

That’s when Jesus asked what they did have. “Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. ‘There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’” (John 6:8-9, NLT)

The little boy surrendered his five loaves and two small fish, and it fed a multitude—with plenty left over! “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people… And they all ate as much as they wanted.” (John 6:11, NLT)

Even though they had their doubts, they handed over the bread and fish to the One who is the great Multiplier. God delights in multiplying, but multiplication requires trust and sacrifice. It’s a work that only God can do—not us. All He needs is for us to surrender what we have, even if it seems small.

So when we feel like we don’t have anything to offer, or when we think what we have isn’t enough, how about surrendering what little we do have into the hands of the great Multiplier? He delights in taking what we entrust to Him and multiplying it into abundance—enough to fill twelve baskets.

Trust Him with what you have, and watch God’s law of multiplication at work.

Today, take a moment to reflect: what can you surrender to God, no matter how small? What do you feel you don’t have enough of—whether it’s time, resources, or ability? I challenge you to surrender it to God this week. Trust Him with it, and watch Him multiply it in ways beyond what you can imagine.


2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Surrender”

  1. What a blessing to have such a wonderful Lord and Savior that is waiting to assist me in the little things and yes, especially the things I want to control. Thanks for reminding me to stop worrying and let him care take it.


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