I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Celebrate Blessings: A Year of Reflecting God’s Love

Today is a special day…

A year ago, I was invited to join my uncle in contributing to a blog. Now, when he first brought up this idea, my first response was to say an emphatic NO! Who would want to hear from me? I’m not a biblical scholar or anyone with credentials of any kind. Why would God call me to do a blog? Who would read it? What would I say? However, I decided to pray about this opportunity in front of me. 

During my prayer time, God showed me Jeremiah 1:7a &9, where He says, “…for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you… Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put My words in your mouth!”

When I started this blog journey, I just wanted to be a blessing to those who read it. But it has become so much more than that! I am learning what it means to be a blessing, and the fact that I am blessed in return. 

So, what does being a blessing look like? How can we all be a blessing to those in our sphere of influence and to those the Lord provides? Being a blessing to others involves both the act of extending God’s love, grace, and goodness to others and living in a way that reflects His character. To be a blessing means to actively contribute to the well-being, encouragement, and spiritual growth of those around that sphere. 

You don’t need a blog to be a blessing to others. Here are some practical ways you can be a blessing to others, grounded in Scripture: 

1. Blessing as a Gift from God
– Know where blessing ultimately comes from. In the Bible, a “blessing” often refers to a divine favor or gift from God. It consists of both material and spiritual benefits, such as peace, prosperity, and protection. For instance, in Genesis 12:2, God tells Abraham, “I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” Here, God’s blessing upon Abraham is both a promise of favor and a call to be a conduit of blessing to others. I want to be a conduit of blessing to others, don’t you?

2. Being a Blessing by Reflecting God’s Character
   – To be a blessing to others means to reflect God’s character through acts of kindness, generosity, encouragement, and love. Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” This implies that being a blessing involves letting God’s light shine through you in a way that draws others closer to Him. I want to draw others to a closer relationship with God, don’t you?

3. Blessing through Words and Actions
  – Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” This highlights the significance of our words. Speaking words of life, encouragement, and truth can bless others, just as our actions can. Acts of service, generosity, and compassion are practical ways of being a blessing. I want to use my words and actions to be a blessing, don’t you?

4. Blessing as a Reciprocal Relationship
   – In the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12), Jesus describes the blessings that come to those who embody certain attitudes and actions, such as being merciful, pure in heart, and peacemakers. These blessings often involve a reciprocal relationship where, as you bless others, you too are blessed. I have been tremendously blessed by blessing others, haven’t you?

So, according to scripture, being a blessing to others is to embody and extend God’s goodness, love, and grace in a tangible way—whether through words, actions, or prayer. It involves living in a way that reflects God’s character and purpose, contributing to the spiritual and emotional well-being of those around you. 

As I close this first annual celebration of this blog, my prayer is the Lord continues using me to a blessing to others. I have received so many blessings through the first year of this journey. I cannot wait to see the ways God moves and pray that I can witness these moves and miracles first hand! 

In what ways has God blessed you and used you to bless others during this last year? Take some time to actively bless someone in the upcoming week and share that experience in the comments. Let’s celebrate together!


2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Celebrate Blessings: A Year of Reflecting God’s Love”

  1. Good Day Mo,

    What a blessing you truly are. I was sitting here reading your Saturday Blog and thought I should go back and read August 25th, my birthday. Lo and behold, you talked about you one year anniversary of your blog. Wow. And I jymust celebrated another year of God’s blessing here o earth.

    Just like the first day we met, it was a God thing. He knows exactly what we need when we need it. As I walk on faith in the speaking industry, I, like you, have often thought, “what do I have to say that anyone would want to hear.” But as we discussed, we only need to reach one. We’ll, you reached one today. Thank you for stepping out on your faith, facing the fear and doing it anyway. God bless you and your family Mo.


    • Joe,

      Wow! Your words are exactly what I needed today. What a blessing!

      Let me first say, happy belated birthday! I’m an August birthday too!

      Your comments are from the Lord for sure! They remind me of how personal our God is. He used you to deliver a message of encouragement. Isn’t our God just unbelievable?

      Just as our God appointed time together at the car dealership, He continues to show up to surprise with new blessings. We just need to keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to recognize them when He presents them.

      Thank you for blessing me today.


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