I Choose Today...

I Choose Today Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk… I think we all have that one down pat. This has been one of the biggest hurdles for me to overcome.

As I grew up, there was a lot of hurtful, minimizing, oppressive words spoken to me: you are dumb, stupid, and you will never amount to anything so don’t even try; people like you don’t make a difference; what do you know… nothing, so sit down and be quiet.

These are words that the father of lies, the devil, willingly replayed for me over and over again all throughout my life. When I would try something new, he would put this tape on repeat. I would believe it and quit. If I tried something and failed just a little, again the tape would play. (Negative self-talk).

It wasn’t until the Lord spoke into my life the truth of who I am in Him – His child, His masterpiece, His creation made on purpose for a purpose – did I start a new tape. (Positive self-talk).

I read something recently that resonated with me. Someone wisely said, “What if we agreed with our Creator and called ourselves fearfully and wonderfully made? A masterpiece? A daughter of the King? Would we live differently?” I have to say, for me, the answer to the last question, without a doubt, is yes, I do live differently!

I have realized I don’t need to prove myself, my worth, and value to the world, because I am already valued in the One who intentionally created me! I’ve realized that God has given me a voice to encourage, empower, and equip others to be all God has called them to be. I’ve realized God made me exactly who I am for a purpose and I have learned to lean into my uniqueness and not shy away from it or compare myself to other’s uniqueness.

Am I perfect in living out these truths? No. There are times I fail. The difference now versus before, when I would fail and give up, is I would ask for forgiveness for something I said or did, learn from it, and ask the Holy Spirit to remind me once again who I am in Christ and move forward.

We will fail, just like the snarky comments we make to someone we love. But humbly asking for forgiveness from the receiver of the snarky words and our Heavenly Father, then seeking (through the power of the Holy Spirit) to do better, puts positive self-talk in the forefront of our thoughts.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We need to keep trying, just like Paul did: he fought a good fight, he finished the race, he kept the faith. Despite his not doing what he wanted to do and doing what he didn’t, he never lost the faith and kept going.

That is what we need to do. Keep trying, keep running the race, keep fighting, and keep the faith that He who began a good work in us will finish it!

Today, I challenge you to start a new tape. Write down the truth of who you are in Christ and speak it over yourself every day. Let’s agree with our Creator and walk in the confidence that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. If this message encouraged you, share it with someone who needs a reminder of their worth in Christ. Let’s spread the truth together!


5 thoughts on “I Choose Today Positive Self-Talk”

  1. Well said,
    How wonderful God is to continually encourage us of who we are. So true that the enemy continues to play those negative thoughts BUT GOD is our redeemer and overcomer.


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