I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Set the Tone

Have you ever considered that you have the choice to set a tone within your sphere of influence? We set the tone in our homes, relationships, as spouses, parents, employees, co-workers, and spiritual mentors, coaches, and teachers.

A friend of mine recently celebrated her mom’s life and heard how impactful, purposeful, and powerful her mom was—not just to her children but to so many others. What a treat, blessing, and inspiration!

This made me wonder what people will say about me; how did I set the tone for Christ? Would they say I loved others like Christ does? Would they say I showed kindness, mercy, and grace like Him? Would they find my story of thriving after surviving to be impactful, powerful, and purposeful?

That’s what I want to do with the remaining time I have here on earth! That’s the focus of my podcast and blog, and why I volunteer to encourage and empower others in the ways of the Lord. I want the blessings, experiences, and teachings that God has given me to inspire others in their relationship with God and how they choose to live their lives.

I want each day to be a choice to walk humbly with my God, to love mercy, and to do what is right. I want to surrender my agenda for His perfect plan.

I want to go where He wants me to go and say what He wants me to say! I want to be a vessel where people see Christ through me.

I want to go into all the world proclaiming God’s goodness, mercy, and His immense love for us all—in our homes, neighborhoods, extended families, church communities, and even towards our enemies, politicians, and critics.

Philippians 2:15-16a (MSG) says, “Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night…” In other words, set the tone!

We are made powerful, purposeful, and bold by the power of the Holy Spirit! We reflect Jesus by showing up day after day, willing to set the tone He set for us to emulate. Are we going to be perfect? No, but we can learn from our mistakes even better than our successes. Keep showing up and setting the tone.

“Lord, send us to proclaim Your holiness, Your love, Your message, Your salvation! Give us boldness to go and say what You have us say today. For we choose today to proclaim You powerfully and purposefully by setting Your tone. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

If you feel inspired to set the tone in your life and community, join me in this journey. Subscribe to my blog for regular encouragement and share your story with others. Let’s choose today to make a difference together!


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