I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Give Jesus My Time

It is our decision each day to prioritize our time with Jesus. Jesus Himself told us how we should prioritize in Matthew 6:33:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

We can’t expect to start off strong with God, or hit the ground running, if we don’t dedicate time to Him. When we hit the ground running with God, we are:

• Allowing Him to guide us throughout the day

• Surrendering our will to His

• Attuning to where He wants us to go and what He wants us to say

• Making room for Him to work in our lives and the lives of those we encounter

• Shining His light for all to see His glory

His ways are not our ways. His ways are so much better. When we start our day with Him, we are acknowledging that His ways are better than ours and that we need Him to lead and direct our paths.

When we choose to hit the ground running without God, we are:

• Saying we don’t need His guidance

• Believing our ways are better than His

• Alone in our decisions

• Limited to our own understanding

• Relying on our own inadequate power

So, what will you decide today? Will you hit the ground running with Jesus, with God, and with the Holy Spirit empowering you throughout your day? Or will you muddle through, limited by your own power, understanding, and wisdom?

Every day, we get to make the choice. Prioritizing time with Jesus is the right decision. Give it a try—you won’t be sorry. Let’s choose today to give Jesus our time!


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