I Choose Today

I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Prepare my Heart for Worship

Worship. On Sunday mornings we go to church and worship the Lord when we sing. We may even go to a whole service or concert and worship through song. If you know me at all, I absolutely love praise and worship. Music, words of worship, and harmonious melodies speak to my heart. I’ve even been known to raise my hands when singing. I get lost in it, unabashed in how I appear. But worship is more than just singing; it is an attitude of the heart. The Bible talks a lot about worship, but not just the worship of song. There are many ways and occasions of worship. Over the next couple of weeks, we will discover together the many ways we can worship God. We will learn together, not only pleases God, but how it affects us. When we worship: It allows our hearts to be softened/open Deepens our faith Alleviates fear As we pour ourselves out to God, He pours Himself into us It allows God to move our hearts so we can hear from Him There are more benefits to worship, but you get the point.  Worship means something to God and it means something to us.

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I Choose Today to Exhibit Self-Discipline

Self-control/discipline seems elusive sometimes. In this a day and age, people (myself included) can react inappropriately to situations. What does it mean to have self-discipline, and where does self-control come from? Self-control and self-discipline are closely related concepts, but there is a subtle difference between them: Self-control typically refers to the ability to restrain one’s impulses, desires, or emotions in the moment, particularly in situations where there may be temptations or distractions. It involves exercising moderation and making wise choices. One of the things I have exercised self-control is when it comes to eating sweets. I have learned to control my blood sugar with making life choices with my food. However, I do allow myself one bite of sweets when dessert is offered. This aligns with exercising moderation while making wise choices for my health. Self-discipline, on the other hand, is more about the ability to control one’s behavior and habits over the long term. It involves setting goals, making plans, and consistently following through with them, even when faced with obstacles or difficulties. In essence, self-control often pertains to immediate actions or reactions, while self-discipline is about maintaining a broader sense of control and direction in one’s life. Both

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