I Choose Today...

To Stay Focused

I choose today to stay focused

“Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭165‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David knew the importance of being strong and not growing weary. David understood that if he stumbled, because he was being pursued, he would be caught by the enemy. He knew his strength came from God’s Word. His peace also came from keeping his focus on God and His goodness and deliverance.

It is good to know who our enemy is; Satan and not others. Satan is the great deceiver. He takes the  20% of which is not good and makes that our focus instead of the 80% of what is good. He makes it seem like the bad is all there is; that there is no way out of it or getting beyond it other than to quit (give up, walk away) from relationships, neighbors, coworkers, family. He makes it seem like quitting/walking away is our only option for peace.

But that is a big fat lie!

God Word says (through David, Joshua, Isaiah, Jesus) that when we meditate on God’s Word, we will find new strength, prosper in all we do, not stumble but stand, not grow weary, and have perfect peace (that defies understanding)! God-breathed instructions/principals for life should be our focus, our foundation, our Rock; not the 20% that Satan wants us to focus on.

Whenever I think about God’s Word being “God-breathed” I envision His breath on my face, then encapsulating my whole being (mind, body, soul). That brings me peace; like balm for my soul; like a refreshing breeze on my face that rejuvenates me. Close your eyes and picture it!

That is the sentiment I think David experiences in hiding, in the caves, in his chaos. The Lord gives him peace, strength, and fortitude to get through this season of his life. He believes God’s promise and anointing to be the leader of God’s people. He just needs to keep his focus on the one who will see him through.

This is a reminder to us all. We need to keep our focus/meditate on God-breathed Word, and we will not grow weary of doing battle because we sore on wings like eagles.

I choose today to stay focused on God Word and His peace.

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2 thoughts on “To Stay Focused”

  1. I learned this verse as a child, and it still is true. “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

    • Isn’t God’s Word amazing! I love how alive it is. This verse brought you comfort as a child and continued as you matured. Holds true today as it did yesterday(s).


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