I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Share His Love

Lately, I have had several people ask me what I do for a living. One such occasion was when I was helping to care for a family member, and a nurse asked me the question. Since leaving my professional career as a business analyst, that question has often left me searching for the right words. How do I explain something so deeply rooted in purpose and faith? God has shifted my perspective on what it means to “work.” My life now revolves around sharing the truth about who He is and how deeply He loves us. Through my blog, my soon-to-be podcast, and daily interactions with others, I’ve discovered that the most important work is the kind that points people back to Him. This is the calling God has placed on my life—to encourage others in their walk with Him. And yet, it’s not just my calling. It’s the purpose He gives to all of us: to reflect His love and truth in the way we live and to help others grow closer to Him. Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:19-20 is clear: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” And

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I Choose Today to Nurture My God-Given Gifts

In Romans 12, we learn that the unique gifts God gives us reflect different facets of Christ’s character. Christ is the embodiment of all these gifts, and we, as His body, represent parts of Him. Romans 12:4-5 reminds us, “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.” Each of us has a unique role, and together we form a complete picture of His love and purpose. To fulfill this purpose, we must first recognize the gifts God has placed in us. We need to cultivate and use these gifts to bring Him glory, growing them through discipline and commitment. God has given each of us a “bent” toward certain gifts, but it’s our responsibility to nurture and develop them into maturity so they can be used fully for His kingdom. I recently learned something that blew my mind—the manna God provided to the Israelites in the wilderness wasn’t fully made bread; it was a seed. Numbers 11:7-8 (NLT) tells us, “The manna looked like small coriander seeds, and it was pale yellow like gum

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I Choose Today to Embrace Divine Solitude

Today, as I was reading about the life of the apostle John, two things stood out to me, particularly regarding his exile to the island of Patmos. The first is the time he spent there. John was on Patmos for about a year or two, exiled by Emperor Domitian around 95 AD. The exact length of his stay isn’t entirely clear, but what matters more is what God did during this time of isolation. While on the island of Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation. God gave him profound visions that have shaped the Christian Church for centuries. What strikes me most is that John was alone, in a quiet, isolated place, which allowed him to hear clearly from God. Without the distractions of the outside world, John could be still and fully open to God’s voice. Emperor Domitian intended for John’s exile to silence him and stop his influence on the spread of Christianity. But God had other plans. By placing John in solitude, in an environment where he could be quiet and listen, God did a mighty work. I find this incredibly significant because it shows that sometimes we need to step away from the busyness of

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I Choose Today to Rest with Purpose

Rest, Wait, Learn, Renew: These are Actions I recently read about someone who had to learn how to rest, wait, learn, and renew by being still for a period of time due to a medical condition. It made me wonder: What would I do if faced with doing “nothing”? Would the inactivity drive me crazy, or could I discover purpose within it? How could I embrace resting, waiting, learning, and renewing as this person did? What’s fascinating is that all these words—resting, waiting, learning, renewing—are verbs. A verb is typically seen as a word that describes an action, state, or experience. Yet, these particular actions seem passive at first glance. But are they really? When we delve deeper, we realize that even in our stillness, we are actively participating in something profound. 1. Resting: Rest is not just being inactive; it’s a deliberate act of restoration—of strength, health, and energy. True rest, especially rest for the soul, can only be accomplished through Christ Jesus. Isaiah 40:31 beautifully captures this: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not

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I Choose Today to Stay Attached

Every spring, my husband and I feed the 50+ trees we have planted in our yard. Along with feeding (fertilizing), we also see which branches are dead and cut them off. We then gather those dead branches and throw them into our next bonfire. These dead branches are perfect for lighting and keeping a fire going. They are brittle, dry, and light up quickly. Perfect for only being quickly consumed. Nothing else. After we cut off the dead branches, we then prune the remaining ones. With regular feeding and pruning, the trees become stronger, healthier, more vibrant, and produce more and better quality fruit. Jesus gave us this same example about our relationship with Him. As a matter of fact, He explained that the only way we can produce fruit is by staying attached to Him. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NLT A little further in the same chapter, Jesus tells us that each one of us has a special, unique purpose for this specific time in which we live: “You have not

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