I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to change my clothes…

God’s Word is FULL of practical principles for living everyday life. In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, God illustrates how we are to receive and treat others with whom we come in contact. Paul instructs, “Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” How counter-culture are these instructions? Where being offensive, offended, and hostile are all the rage (no pun intended), God instructs us once again to go against the grain and do the unexpected: Make allowances for one another; In this text, “make allowances for one another” means being understanding and forgiving of each other’s faults, shortcomings, or mistakes. It suggests a willingness to be patient and considerate, recognizing that nobody is perfect and that people may occasionally err or fall short of expectations. It encourages giving forgiveness, grace, and mercy to one another. Forgive: In the context of the text, “forgive” means to pardon or let go

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To believe the truth and not the lie

I love meaning of having a life changing “AHA” moment in life: a moment of realization or understanding by being honest and then taking action (having an immediate response). This brings to mind what I was raised to believe about myself: “stupid, dumb, and would never amount to anything so don’t even try.” But I had an “AHA” moment (which I believe is God breathed) that told me what was being instilled into me was a lie (sudden awakening). I had to look at the ways I was allowing those words to live out in my life: allowing other people’s words to be the truth, not having self worth, self-medicating, running, just trying to survive. I had to break the circle of destruction in my life by the choices I made to perpetuate these lies (brutally honest). But how would I do that when I didn’t have any adult in my life speaking the truth about who I am (a child of God who is unconditionally loved)? I had no tools in my life’s tool chest to navigate this road to healing. The only tools I had were of what not to do or survival tools. But God… “For God

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I Choose Today to Fall Deeper

I like The Passion Translation (TPT) for Philippians 3:8, which reads, “To truly know Him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap. It’s all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace Him as Lord in all of His greatness.” I like the first part of this verse where Paul says, “To truly know Him [Jesus] meant letting go of everything from my past…” If I truly want to get to know Jesus, I need to let go of any hold my past has on me. I don’t want to be fueled by my past; that will only lead me down a road of destruction. Instead, I want to be propelled by the future and the life God has for me through Christ Jesus. To do that, I need to know Jesus not only as my personal Savior but also as my friend, mentor, and confidant by spending time in the Word (which is Jesus: John 1:1). At the beginning of this year, our church was challenged to pray and asked to fall deeper and

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