I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Find Rest

Sometimes (okay, more than sometimes), I get to where I just need rest. Real rest. I am what is called “bone tired.” Can you relate to that? There are so many things, responsibilities, circumstances, and obstacles that constantly pull us from all sides. We get to a place of complete mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion where we are not good for anyone. Have you been there? Are you there right now? I have some good news for you (and me): we can find true rest in God and Jesus. God tells us about an aspect of rest He wants us to experience through trusting Him to take care of everything. In Exodus 33:14, God talks about this very subject with Moses on Mount Sinai, where God says, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.” And again, Jesus mentions it in Matthew 11:28, where He states, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Can you imagine, for a moment, what kind of life we could have if we were unburdened, not weary, and could fully trust that

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I Choose Today to Give Jesus My Time

It is our decision each day to prioritize our time with Jesus. Jesus Himself told us how we should prioritize in Matthew 6:33: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” We can’t expect to start off strong with God, or hit the ground running, if we don’t dedicate time to Him. When we hit the ground running with God, we are: • Allowing Him to guide us throughout the day • Surrendering our will to His • Attuning to where He wants us to go and what He wants us to say • Making room for Him to work in our lives and the lives of those we encounter • Shining His light for all to see His glory His ways are not our ways. His ways are so much better. When we start our day with Him, we are acknowledging that His ways are better than ours and that we need Him to lead and direct our paths. When we choose to hit the ground running without God, we are: • Saying we don’t need His guidance • Believing our ways are better than His • Alone

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I Choose Today to Not Worry

When circumstances become difficult or challenging, many of us spend a lot of time trying to come up with solutions. We worry about every detail—anything and everything that could go wrong or all the different variables. Sometimes we are so busy worrying, we become paralyzed by all the conjecture. We do nothing! But there is good news for me and for you: we are not alone in dealing with difficulties and challenges, and God has a solution today for tomorrow’s worries! Jesus Himself tells us as much in His Sermon on the Mount, saying: “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.“ Matthew 6:34 MSG I am in a season where I need to have faith and trust in God, not lean on my own understanding. I need to remind myself that God has tomorrow’s solutions ready for tomorrow, not for today. “Holy Spirit, please keep reminding me that tomorrow’s solutions are already taken care of and I don’t have to worry about anything. Remind me that God will

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I Choose Today to Plug into the Power Source

Have you ever had the electricity go out on you? Ever had a time where you were surrounded by utter darkness without any source of light to help you walk or navigate your way around? It is difficult to get around even if the place is familiar, like your home. We tend to walk slowly to ensure we don’t run into any obstacles which would inevitably trip us up, make us stumble, or cause us to fall. We feel on the walls in hopes it will guide us to a place of safety or a source of light. Sometimes we find something that would shed some light that would enable us to see a little of what is around. Maybe it is a flashlight, candle, or the light from our cellphones. That is good, right? At least it is enough light to see what’s right in front of us so we don’t fall. This type of light will help us survive the darkness, right? But the light’s effectiveness is not sufficient to thrive. It is when we have the power from the true power source (the electric company) can we see clearly and thrive. Jesus is our true power source,

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I Choose Today to Take Part in my Spiritual Genealogy

One of the popular things to do is to research one’s genealogy. Finding out who is in one’s family line is intriguing. If there is a discovery that a relative is someone of significance or well known, the person tells everyone who will listen, announce it on social media, and slips it into general conversation. What about your spiritual genealogy? Most, if not all, of our spiritual genealogy stories draw all the way back to Jesus. Someone heard the gospel from Jesus and believed. That person told someone else about Jesus, being our Savior, how He died for our collective sins (past, present, future), and defeated death by rising from the grave to ensure an eternal life with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! That person told someone else (and believed), that told someone else, and so on until it got to the person (or people) who told you. So your spiritual genealogy started with Jesus! How amazing is that!? You are spiritually related to the Savior of the world! Since Jesus is the Son of God, we are coheirs with Him, and also children of our precious Heavenly Father. How mind-blowing amazing is this; your

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