I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Exhibit Self-Discipline

Self-control/discipline seems elusive sometimes. In this a day and age, people (myself included) can react inappropriately to situations. What does it mean to have self-discipline, and where does self-control come from? Self-control and self-discipline are closely related concepts, but there is a subtle difference between them: Self-control typically refers to the ability to restrain one’s impulses, desires, or emotions in the moment, particularly in situations where there may be temptations or distractions. It involves exercising moderation and making wise choices. One of the things I have exercised self-control is when it comes to eating sweets. I have learned to control my blood sugar with making life choices with my food. However, I do allow myself one bite of sweets when dessert is offered. This aligns with exercising moderation while making wise choices for my health. Self-discipline, on the other hand, is more about the ability to control one’s behavior and habits over the long term. It involves setting goals, making plans, and consistently following through with them, even when faced with obstacles or difficulties. In essence, self-control often pertains to immediate actions or reactions, while self-discipline is about maintaining a broader sense of control and direction in one’s life. Both

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I Choose Today to do Life with God

Dwell in the house of the Lord forever… Does praying intimidate you? Does the idea of praying leave you stumped on how to begin, what to say, or even how to talk to the God of the universe? My sister and I live far apart from one another: one in the western part and one on the eastern part of the country. We maybe see each other once or twice a year. However, we do not let our proximity to one another get in the way of enjoying our relationship together. We can spend hours on the phone just doing life together. We could be running errands, cleaning the house, making dinner, driving home from the city (which for me is about an hour). Sometimes she bumps into someone she knows and has a conversation, and I just hang out as if I was standing next to her.  When she is done, we pick up where we left off. We can have a deep conversation, talk about our problems, give each other guidance, laugh together, cry together, be still and quiet together. That is the relationship David had with God. All David wanted to do was spend all his time

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I Choose Today to work on small things

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” We tend to think of this verse for the big things: not getting a job, losing a loved one, a medical diagnosis, etc.. But what about the small stuff, the little things? Recently, I had a conversation with a customer service person about a mistake that happened on a shipment. After explaining the problem (there was a glitch in their system), she started off her explanation by saying I needed to be better at checking things on my end. Well that just got my heckles up and I responded in a negative way. The conversation escalated to where we were each responding negatively to one another and not really resolving the issue. The Holy Spirit convicted me so I stopped the conversation by asking her to talk to my husband because I needed to get to a meeting. The conversation between this rep and my husband lasted 3 minutes in which resulted in a resolution of the situation. So, how is this for good, you ask? Seems to me that

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I Choose Today to Follow

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow Me.” Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭24‬ ‭NLT‬‬ I think we have all had alarms go off for us personally we chose to ignore, wanting our own way, which, as we all know, lead further and further into sin and despair. As we all know, that one decision to ignore the warning, leads down a path to more and more sin; being led by the sin instead of subduing it. But we cannot do anything about ignoring past alarms, but we can repent and ask the Holy Spirit to redeem our sin (which Jesus already did on the cross), and choose not to ignore the warning bells going forward. Ask the Lord to use the mistakes made for His glory and don’t allow the enemy to keep reminding us of the mistakes of the past (so we cannot be fully focused on God and what God has for us to do in His perfect plan). Reminding us of our mistakes is one of the schemes of the devil, to get us to follow our sinful nature,

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