I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Find God in My Loneliness

I Choose Today to Find God in My Loneliness The other day, I had a conversation with someone I see regularly. As we discussed my upcoming podcast, she shared her thoughts on what people need most in today’s world. Among the things she mentioned, one word stuck with me: loneliness. One such occasion was the psalmist who described himself in this way, “I am like an owl in the desert, like a little owl in a far-off wilderness. I lie awake, lonely as a solitary bird on the roof.” Psalms‬ ‭102‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬ The owl is significant in this passage because it is a bird who lives in isolation. Owls are known for inhabiting deserted or desolate places, such as ruins, wilderness, or abandoned areas. The psalmist refers to the owl in the desert and wilderness to emphasize feelings of being removed from society, surrounded by barrenness, and cut off from the vibrancy of life. I know there are seasons of my life where I feel like the owl: isolated and removed from the vibrancy of life. Especially after the holidays, where the hustle and bustle of activities keep our minds busy, I find myself feeling alone, isolated, in the wilderness

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I Choose Today to Share His Love

Lately, I have had several people ask me what I do for a living. One such occasion was when I was helping to care for a family member, and a nurse asked me the question. Since leaving my professional career as a business analyst, that question has often left me searching for the right words. How do I explain something so deeply rooted in purpose and faith? God has shifted my perspective on what it means to “work.” My life now revolves around sharing the truth about who He is and how deeply He loves us. Through my blog, my soon-to-be podcast, and daily interactions with others, I’ve discovered that the most important work is the kind that points people back to Him. This is the calling God has placed on my life—to encourage others in their walk with Him. And yet, it’s not just my calling. It’s the purpose He gives to all of us: to reflect His love and truth in the way we live and to help others grow closer to Him. Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:19-20 is clear: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” And

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I Choose Today to Receive Love

“What the world needs now is love sweet love.” Those are lyrics to a song from years gone by, but the sentiment has been around for millennia. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. He is the result of God’s love to the world. John 3:16 says, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son [to die as a sacrifice for the world], so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” It was out of the deep love God had for us that He sent His Son to die in our place as a perfect and final lamb sacrifice for our sins. He wanted to save the world from the curse of death that came as a result of the fall. It was no mistake that Jesus was born in a place where animals were typically born and cared for since He was to be the perfect sacrificial lamb to break the curse and restore our relationship with God that He intended. God loves us that much. God sacrificed that much to redeem us. All we have to do is accept that love sweet

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I Choose Today: To Be Seen and Loved

“God can’t use me—I’ve done so many bad things! How could a holy God ever love and accept me?” Does that sound familiar? I know it does for me. I’ve had those same thoughts and conversations with others over the years. It’s easy to believe the lie that our past disqualifies us from God’s love and purpose. But the truth is, God sees us differently. There’s a man in the Bible whose story reminds me of this. His name was Zacchaeus. By common standards, Zacchaeus was a sinner—a man who had made choices that earned him wealth at the expense of others. Though he was rich, he was despised, isolated, and deeply empty. Then one day, Jesus came to town. And everything changed. While Zacchaeus climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of Him, Jesus stopped, looked up, and called him by name. Instead of seeing Zacchaeus for what he had done, Jesus saw him for who he was. With compassion and love, Jesus invited Himself into Zacchaeus’s life. That encounter turned everything around. Zacchaeus went from being a man weighed down by sin to someone transformed by grace. This story reminds us of an incredible truth: Jesus didn’t come

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I Choose Today to See Through God’s Lens

My husband and I recently finished some projects for my office. One of the projects is a soundproofing wall panel. It turned out beautifully, but there is a flaw—an imperfection. The flaw isn’t visible unless it is viewed from a certain angle. Now that I know it’s there, the flaw is all I see. Even though the flaw is obvious to me, not one other person who has seen the end result has noticed it. It’s the same with our own flaws: I’m too tall, too big, don’t speak well, not creative, don’t have any talents, not smart enough, good enough, or quick-thinking enough. Sound familiar? Or maybe the flaws you see in yourself are different. When you look at yourself, those flaws are all you see—you cannot seem to unsee them. When we continue to focus on our flaws, we end up putting limits on our lives, our effectiveness, and our uniqueness. We see others differently—we notice their talents, beauty, and abilities and compare them to our own flaws. We get stuck in this cycle. Even though, as the co-creator of the wall panel, I can see all the flaws, the panel hasn’t lost its usefulness or intent. Same

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