I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Seek Deliverance

Have you ever found yourself holding onto something that you know is weighing you down—fear, anxiety, guilt—but felt too paralyzed to let it go? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us cling to chains God never meant for us to bear. The good news is that God is a Deliverer, and He longs to set us free. Today, let’s explore how His promises invite us to cry out to Him and experience His transforming power. ““Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; He snapped their chains.” (Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭13‬-14). He delivered them from their distresses! What a promise! So why do we hold onto our chains, our fears, anxieties, addiction, tendencies? Do we think our chains will go away on their own, as Pharaoh did when he waited an entire day to ask for deliverance from the frogs? When asked by Moses when he (Pharaoh) wanted to be delivered from the plague, ““Do it tomorrow,” Pharaoh said.” (Exodus‬ ‭8‬:‭10‬a). How often do we do the same—putting off deliverance until ‘tomorrow,’ even when we’re overwhelmed by our burdens? What are we waiting for? Why are

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I Choose Today to Stand in Awe

To “fear the Lord” comes with a lot of emotions. Are we supposed to be afraid of God? Is He a mean, harsh being just waiting for us to mess up so He can punish us? These are common questions, and I’ve wrestled with them myself, and I’ve learned that the answer is no. God is not a tyrant standing over us with a gavel, ready to strike. Instead, the “fear of the Lord” is an invitation to stand in awe of who He is—to recognize His holiness, power, and love in a way that shapes our lives. The idea of fear often brings negative images to mind, but the Bible shows us something different. The “fear of the Lord” isn’t about being terrified; it’s about reverence. It’s about living in awe of a God who is both holy and near. It’s the kind of reverence that makes you pause and marvel at the Creator of the universe, who also knows you intimately and loves you deeply. Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (NLT). This kind of fear is where wisdom begins. It’s where we see God as He truly is—not

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I Choose Today to Let Grace Overcome Failure

Over and over in my life, I have had a pattern of starting something, then just when it is about to take off or be completed, I quit. There are a variety of reasons why I choose to quit – a disparaging comment from someone; an obstacle that gets in the way; doubt – but the core to all these “reasons” is the heart of the matter: fear of failure. While over the years I have learned how to overcome this pattern, through the power of the Holy Spirit, fixing my mind on what is true, pure, excellent (Phil. 4:8), and having an amazing support system, the enemy is still up to his old tricks and I am battling once again. He doesn’t want me to press on, but to quit. Satan, the deceiver, doesn’t want God’s people to do the will of the Lord, so he uses the same tactics he’s used since beginning of time: he twists the truth, he puts the seed of doubt in our minds, he tells us we are unequipped, unprepared, unworthy of our calling. We are not enough. We have too many obstacles in our lives. Does any of this resonate with you

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I Choose Today to be Fully Accepted

God doesn’t want us to hold anything back from Him—not our imperfections, mistakes, weaknesses, uncertainties, fears, anxieties, or doubts. He cares deeply about all those things because He cares so deeply about you. In fact, He knows the exact number of hairs on your head! “And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12:7 NLT I used to struggle with this idea of being fully accepted by God. After experiencing the heartbreaking loss of my son to SIDS, I wrestled with overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, doubt, and guilt. I wondered if God could truly love and accept someone like me, with all the pain and brokenness I carried. It felt impossible to give Him my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength when so much of me was wrapped in grief and uncertainty. But it was in that season of brokenness that I discovered just how deeply God accepts us—flaws, fears, and all. I remember sitting in prayer one day, feeling like I had nothing to offer but tears. And yet, in that moment, I felt His presence so clearly. He didn’t

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I Choose Today to be Led Through the Wilderness

What is holding you back from stepping out in faith into your calling? Is it fear of failing? Inadequacy? Uncertainty? Fear of the unknown obstacles, giants, or hills that need to be battled? I have felt all these things. I have also stepped out in faith and, trial after trial, I wondered if I would have been happier or better if I would have just stayed where I was. At least I knew what to expect. But one of the things that I have learned is that when I have stepped out in faith and walked through the wilderness, that is when I learn the most. God did that for the Israelites when they left Egypt: “He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to [give] our fathers.’” Deuteronomy 6:23 AMP God brought them out of oppression, slavery, and captivity and into the wilderness in order to get them prepared for the promised land. “The Lord your God will drive out those nations to make room for you. But He will do it little by little. You won’t be allowed to get rid of them all at

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