I Choose Today...

I Choose Today: When Tears Speak Louder Than Words


Such a small word with such a big impact. None of us are immune to it. Some losses leave a more lasting mark than others.

When people lose something, they not only no longer have it or them, but the space that loss once occupied becomes empty, hollow. Grieving that loss makes it hard to articulate its effect. Sadness is the primary emotion, but that word alone doesn’t do it justice.

All that seems logical, applicable, and appropriate is to cry. And you know what? We need to make space to cry and be sad. Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is “a time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.”

There is a song I heard the other day that spoke to my heart on this subject. It’s called “Jesus Cries” by Riley Clemmons. The first verse says (link below):

“It’s no secret that life

Gets a little heavy sometimes

Like it’s too much for one heart to take

Your smile’s wearing thin

Just tryin’ to hold it all in

But it feels like the dam’s gonna break

You are not alone facing that flood behind your eyes

Heaven already knows every tear that you cry

So let ’em fall like the rain

Let ’em roll down your face

Let ‘em run like a river

That carries your pain

To the Savior with scars

Right there holding your heart

When you weep, He’s there weeping with you

Jesus cries too.”

Our tears, our sorrows, our pain do not go unnoticed. King David tells us, “You [God] keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.” (Psalms 56:8, NLT, emphasis added).

So whether we have lost a child, a spouse, a loved one, a job, a relationship, or a dream, each one of our tears is noticed. They matter to a God who cries with us.

In moments of deep loss, it’s important to remember that our tears are not wasted. They are seen, held, and shared by Jesus Himself. When we allow ourselves to cry, we are not showing weakness but rather embracing a profound truth: that God is with us in our pain. So, let the tears flow, knowing that they are sacred and that they bring you closer to the One who weeps with you.

Take comfort in His presence, and know that even in the darkest valleys, you are never alone.



2 thoughts on “I Choose Today: When Tears Speak Louder Than Words”

    • I believe in the prompting and timing of the Holy Spirit. He is always working to give us what we need (comfort, support, reassurance) right on time. He is amazingly kind and loving in His response to our tears. I’m so humbled that these words brought you comfort. ❤️


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