I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Walk Humbly

Do you know someone that is a “know-it-all?” You know the person I am talking about, the person who thinks they are the authority on everything, any subject, and situation? I know you know people like that; you are probably thinking of that someone right now! “Oh yeah, that is so-in-so. You can’t teach or tell that person anything.”

But my question to you is that person you are thinking about actually yourself? Maybe it should be, because let’s be honest, there is some truth in there for all of us.

Out of all the requirements God calls us to in Micah 6:8 – do what is right, love mercy, walk humbly with your God – the last requirement is by far the toughest. That is because pride is the biggest danger to anyone.

We see it all around us: in our politicians, our leadership, in our relationships, in ourselves, even in our church communities. We see it throughout all of scripture – Adam and Eve, Moses, David, Jonah, the pharisees, even the disciples. We are all prone to it.

But we need to head this warning straight from scripture, “If you are proud, you will be destroyed. If you are proud, you will fall. Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭NIRV‬‬

So how do we counter being proud? How do we see it when it is raising its ugly head? By walking humbly with our God.

What does that look like? Well, walking humbly with God involves living in a manner that acknowledges God’s sovereignty, being humble and surrendered to His will. It means recognizing our dependence on God and seeking to align our lives with His purposes.

The how to accomplish walking humbly with God first starts with being intentional about it. Be proactive. Set yourself up for success by starting with incorporating these things daily into your routine: prayer (talking and listening), reading scripture (being teachable), and worship (proclaiming God’s sovereignty).

It requires a heart attitude of humility, where one does not act out of pride or self-righteousness but instead seeks to honor God in all things. It means being teachable, willing to listen to God’s guidance, and putting His desires above our own.

This may seem simplistic or extreme, but it is practical. If we actually seek to be humble (because the Bible talks a lot about “humble yourself”), God will come alongside us to aid in this journey.

We aim to become more and more like Jesus here on earth. Jesus was (and is) the most humble person here on earth. Why wouldn’t we want to learn from the one who has perfected humility?

I want (and I am sure you do as well) to be a better and better reflection of Jesus each day. I want to be teachable and learn how to reflect Jesus to others. “Teach me, Lord. Help me this day to reflect Jesus in a manner worth of His example of humility. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Consider how you can walk humbly today. Start by incorporating prayer, scripture, or worship into your routine. Share your journey with others or reflect on it personally—let’s grow together in humility.


3 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Walk Humbly”

  1. Amen Mo,
    Walking in humility is as challenging as learning to ride a bike first time. We wobble, lose our balance, even fall down, and sometimes scrape a knee. But, if we want it bad enough, we get back on the bike and try and try again. Suddenly, we find ourselves riding without effort.

    That is how we learn to walk in humility. Don’t give up the first time we fall (mess up), try and try again.

    Thank you, Mo, for giving us another tool in our toolbelt. God Bless You!!

    • I love your analogy of learning to ride a bike. We are going to fall, we are going to mess up. But I think even those moments are teachable opportunities to learn about what went wrong and how to keep trying to walk in humility.

      Never stop trying, never stop striving. God is walking along side. He is patient and will never leave us! Amen?!

  2. Dear Lord, help me to be humble and reflect to be more like you.
    Super great devotion , thank you for what you do.❤️


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