I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Trust my Rock

Today, like every other day, I received a verse of the day from my Bible app. Today’s verse is: “Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.” (Isaiah 26:4 NLT).

But today isn’t just like every other day for me and my family. This verse holds intense significance because I learned firsthand that I can trust—rely on, lean on, confidently hope in—the Lord. He is my Rock when life throws curveballs meant to knock me off my feet.

You see, 30 years ago today, my little boy met Jesus face to face. This happened without notice, no precursor. One day he was with us, and the next day he was not.

That was a definite curveball, and it nearly took me down. I was devastated. I cried in anguish and mourned so deeply that I didn’t know if I would survive the loss. My heart was ripped into pieces.

But God helped me mend the pieces of my heart back together. I leaned on Him so heavily that only a powerfully strong God could withstand the weight of my leaning. Yet, He never let go. He was my Rock. It was a defining moment in my life: either I trusted Him or I didn’t. I had to make a decision to trust in His perfect plan. I put my trust—my confident hope—that He would not only get me through the toughest time of my life but also bring good out of my loss and despair (Romans 8:28).

You know what? He has, and then some. He continues to show me the good in my pain, even 30 years later. I can look back and see God’s trustworthiness and faithfulness throughout the past three decades. It is woven into my journey, my story.

He reminds me when I am going through a tough time that He saw me through the toughest time in my life. He can get me through anything. I have learned to have perspective, and that is a gift.

So what about you? Has God shown you His trustworthiness and faithfulness during a difficult season of your life? Maybe it was the loss of a family member or friend, a relationship, a job, health, or a dream. How did you see God come through for you? How do you see His good coming out of those situations? The good is there; we just need perspective to see it sometimes. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see it. He will!

Maybe you are going through something right now where the curveballs of life are taking you down. Let me encourage you to lean on your Rock, THE Rock, to mend the broken pieces of your heart and life. He is faithful and trustworthy. He will not let you go. Reach out to Him. He is right with you.

Here is a song that proclaims His faithfulness. I pray that it encourages you as it does me. It is my worship to my great Rock:



2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Trust my Rock”

  1. I know that God is our great Rock, He is so strong, He is so faithful and He sees everything we go through. A verse that has been in my heart the past few weeks is in Ps. 30:11-12 “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing, you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.”

    • I love the verses the Holy Spirit is bringing to mind for you! That is a great reminder that He WILL bring good, gladness, and dancing out of our troubles. Love this!


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