I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Truly Know God

How does one truly know another? Better yet, how does one truly know the God of the universe, the Maker of heaven and earth? The One who created all things that are and were created? Is it even possible? And if it is, how can we, as mere humans, have a deep, personal, experiential, transformational relationship with God and truly know Him?

As we continue with the seven-fold attributes of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 11:2, today we explore the Spirit of Knowledge—not just knowledge in the sense of facts and information, but the kind of knowing that transforms everything.

Jesus actually tells us what knowing God means. In John 17:3, He says, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” Eternal life isn’t just about what happens when we die. It’s not only about going to heaven—it starts here and now. To truly live is to know God.

But this kind of knowing isn’t just about studying or learning about Him. The Hebrew word used for knowledge in Isaiah 11:2 is da‘at, and it carries the idea of deep, experiential, relational knowledge. It’s not about head knowledge—it’s about heart knowledge. It’s the difference between knowing about someone and truly knowing them. We can know facts about a person—where they were born, their favorite food, what they do for a living—but until we actually experience time with them, we don’t really know them. That’s the kind of knowledge God desires with us.

This isn’t new. God has always wanted relationship over ritual. In Hosea 6:6, He says, “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” His heart has never been about us just following rules or doing religious things for the sake of doing them. He doesn’t just want us to acknowledge Him—He wants us to know Him. To walk with Him. To experience Him.

Jesus Himself prayed for this kind of relationship for us. In John 17:20-23, He prayed that all who believe in Him would be one with Him, just as He is one with the Father. That means this isn’t just about the disciples—it’s about you and me. Knowing God isn’t a distant dream or something only the most spiritual people can experience. It’s what Jesus desires for every single one of us.

And knowing God isn’t just something we study—it’s something we live. We know Him when He comforts us in grief. We know Him when He gives us peace that makes no sense in the middle of chaos. We know Him when He strengthens us in our weakness, when He whispers His love over us, when He shows up in ways we never expected. Psalm 34:8 invites us, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” That’s not just an intellectual exercise—it’s an invitation to experience God firsthand.

This is why Jesus tells us to seek first His kingdom in Matthew 6:33. It’s not about seeking rules, obligations, or even blessings—it’s about seeking Him. When we put Him first, everything else falls into place, because He is life itself. And this has always been His desire for His people. In Exodus 6:7, He said, “I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.” From the very beginning, He has been calling us into a relationship where we don’t just acknowledge Him—we know Him.

So what about you? Have you been treating your relationship with God like a checklist, something you do instead of someone you know? Are you longing to experience Him more deeply but unsure where to start? The beautiful thing is, He is already pursuing you. You don’t have to strive or perform—you just have to seek Him. Take a moment today to sit with Him, talk to Him, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a deeper way. Because knowing God isn’t reserved for the super-spiritual—it’s the whole reason you were created.

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