I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Prepare for Life’s Rainy Days

Have you ever heard the expression, “saving for a rainy day?” The idea is to set aside resources now so you’re prepared for whatever comes later—whether it’s a challenge or an opportunity. Many financial experts advise saving at least six months of expenses to cover any unexpected circumstances. This principle of intentional saving is wise, don’t you think?

But what about your heart bank? What are you storing there? According to Psalm 119, David offers wisdom on living a pure life when he says, “How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word” (Psalm 119:9 MSG). David continues, “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11 ESV).

David wasn’t just saving money; he was banking God’s Word in his heart for those inevitable “rainy days.” He knew that unexpected challenges, opportunities, and hardships would come his way. By storing up God’s teachings, promises, and guidance, David ensured that when those moments arrived, he would know how to respond according to God’s will.

God gave similar advice to Joshua, saying, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” (Joshua 1:8 NLT).

I want to successfully navigate those rainy days in my life. I want to avoid sinning in how I react to situations—whether it’s responding to someone who gets under my skin, or dealing with financial, relational, or societal pressures. When the storms come, I want to handle things in a way that is fruitful and God-honoring.

For example, I once found myself in a conversation with coworkers who were criticizing a colleague for not meeting expectations. The discussion went on for quite some time in a group text, and while I understood their frustrations, I had to decide whether or not to join in. The Holy Spirit reminded me of verses about gossip, kindness, and the power of the tongue: “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness” (James 3:9 NIV).

This is why I need to continually store up God’s Word in my heart. When those rainy days come—and they will—I want to be ready, prepared with His wisdom, principles, and instructions.

Today, take some time to examine your “heart bank.” What are you storing up? Is it filled with God’s Word, His promises, and His guidance? If not, start small. Choose one verse or passage this week to meditate on and store in your heart. When the rainy days come, you’ll be ready to respond with grace and wisdom, grounded in God’s truth. Keep banking His Word, one verse at a time!


1 thought on “I Choose Today to Prepare for Life’s Rainy Days”

  1. God’s Word has been a strength to me especially over the past few months. Even though it can be hard to memorize, it is not impossible. And, so I have worked on doing that. And then, when my mind wanders to things that discourage or remind me of past hurts, I recite the verses that are filled with the promises of God and of His faithfulness. There is sweet comfort in His Word and I can rest!


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