Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t feel there will be a good outcome or a way out? Maybe you feel alone and you don’t have any support? Well, that is exactly how Hagar felt so she ran away from her situation. But she found herself in the wilderness, feeling completely alone… but was she? Nope! God saw her!
”Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” Genesis 16:13a NLT
He saw her mess (that she helped make), her distress, her isolation. Even though she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, God met her where she was!
Hagar also recognized God. Hagar was an Egyptian. Her culture had many Gods. But being in Abraham’s household, she knew about his God, the one true God. And He was showing Himself to her, a lowly servant girl, who has made a mess of things. She recognized He was showing up for her; with compassion and understanding!
“She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me [who sees me with understanding and compassion]?”“ Genesis 16:13b NLT (Emphasis added from AMP)
Are you truly looking for God in your situation? If you are looking for Him, are you expecting His goodness, compassion, and understanding, or are you blaming Him for your situation?
In the case of Hagar, she made a mess of her life by how she was treating others, so she was trying to run from her mess.
In God’s goodness, He saw her, met her where she was, and with compassion and understanding, He lovingly lead her back to where she was supposed to be in order to fulfill her purpose.
Don’t look any further than to Jesus. Be like John the Baptist’s followers, when they asked Jesus,
”“Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting…?”“ Matthew 11:3a NLT
He will meet you where you are, mess and all, and bring you where you need to be. You just need to recognize Him and take His lead.
Take a moment to reflect on where you are and where you want to be, and consider embracing God’s presence in your life, just as Hagar did. Let’s journey together in seeking the God who sees us. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let’s support each other in our faith journey.
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2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Look for the God Who Sees Me”
What a blessing to read your words that are from your heart and love for Jesus! EL ROI – God sees!
He saw me all those years ago in your kitchen. He saw me, a lowly girl who was running from her mess, and He met me with love, compassion, and understanding. He used you to help me see Him and allow Him to lead my life. Thank you, for your willingness and obedience that day. My life has never been the same.