I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Have Rhythm

I love music. I’ve been known to turn the volume up and dance around to the beat, feeling the rhythm as I sing at the top of my lungs.

When God created the earth, He didn’t just form the heavens, the plants, animals, and humanity. He also wove rhythm into the fabric of creation. Rhythm is all around us and within us. Our hearts beat in rhythm, we breathe in rhythm, and even our steps follow a rhythm. Each of us has a unique cadence, one that God designed specifically for us.

Just as He made us unique, so too is our relationship with Him. Our rhythm with God is personal, a dance between Creator and creation, echoing the uniqueness He instilled in each of us. We need to step into the rhythm He has set for us.

When we find and embrace God’s rhythm in our lives, it does more than align us spiritually; it brings harmony to every aspect of our day. Whether we’re at work, interacting with loved ones, or pursuing our personal goals, living in tune with God’s rhythm helps us navigate challenges with greater peace and patience. Just as a well-composed song brings harmony, so does living in God’s rhythm bring balance to our lives.

“For in Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28a

Take a moment today to reflect on the rhythm of your life. How do you sense God moving in your daily rhythm? Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you tune into the unique cadence He has set for you. Embrace the rhythm He’s placed in your heart and let it guide you closer to Him. As you go about your day, notice how living in God’s rhythm can influence your work, relationships, and overall sense of peace.


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