I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Go at God’s Pace

I am struggling with God’s pace. I need to let go and allow Him to take the lead, rather than rushing ahead, which often leads to trouble.

Paul understood the importance of letting the Lord set the pace and not getting ahead of God. He describes his experience after encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus to the Galatian church by saying,

“…Then it pleased Him [God] to reveal His Son to me so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles. When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being… Instead, I went away into Arabia, and later I returned to the city of Damascus. Then three years later I went to Jerusalem…” (Galatians 1:15b-18, NLT).

Three years after Paul’s encounter with Jesus, he went to Jerusalem. Three years before he felt God calling him into his ministry. Paul was an enthusiastic guy! He was a doer. He was known for his ability to take action. He made it his mission to eliminate Christianity from the world! Paul was a “take no prisoners” kind of guy.

So, three years of waiting was probably not his style. But there he was, waiting—allowing God to set the pace and the perfect timing to start the new ministry of spreading the Good News about Jesus to the Jews and Gentiles alike.

I believe these three years were not wasted; nothing in God’s economy is. God was preparing Paul for the ministry he was purposed for. You see, Paul was highly regarded in Jewish circles. He was one of the elite. He saw himself as judge and jury, seeking his own justice on Christians. In those three years, I believe God was teaching Paul to be a humble, servant leader.

Today, I need to take Paul’s example and not rush out, getting ahead of God. While I am waiting on God’s perfect plan at His perfect pace, I will spend time with the Lord, learning the things He wants to reveal to prepare me for the destiny He has for me. He has a perfect plan for you too. My prayer is for you to allow God to prepare you while you wait on His perfect pace.

“Lord, help me wait better. I ONLY want Your perfect plan accomplished in my life, and for my life to bring You ALL the glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Spend time in prayer this week, asking God to help you discern His pace for your life. As you wait, reflect on areas where you’ve been tempted to rush ahead. Ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to learn in this season of waiting, trusting that He is preparing you for something greater. Write down these reflections and revisit them often as reminders of God’s faithfulness in guiding you.


2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to Go at God’s Pace”

  1. Amen!! It’s so hard to wait. I’m experiencing that right now. I want His perfect plan for me, so “my eyes are on Him!”

  2. Awesome and perfect timing. Words I can use to hopefully connect with my son that is currently in the darkness and angry with God!

    This is a lesson for everyone, especially men.
    One that took me a life time to understand and put my whole trust and believe that God was always in control.


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