I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Embrace

You ever wonder why you go through hard things? Do you ever ask God what He would allow it? Have you ever asked God why? I know I have.

In a recent conversation, I connected with a young woman navigating a challenging phase. She was grappling with the prospect of lifelong medication due to a medical issue. Seeking support, she reached out to me, because she knew I’ve also navigated a similar path in my own life.

About eight years ago, I was told I would need to be on a medication for the rest of my life. I went through an emotional rollercoaster that entailed feelings of failure because I wasn’t in control of my health; and grief because I was loosing my independence from medication and treatment. I felt less-than. I cried, was embarrassed, and felt shame.

However, these were all lies that had infiltrated my mind, my thoughts, my heart. In reality, the medicine was the miracle! I had no control over my condition, but I could accept the miracle of medicine to live a healthy life. God taught me that and I learned to walk in the freedom of that truth!

If I hadn’t walked through that season, I wouldn’t have been ready and able to help my sweet friend walk through her struggles. I couldn’t offer her hope in her season of hopelessness she was experiencing.

Paul says it best when he states, “…He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭4 ‭MSG‬‬

He is allowing us to be His hands and feet to comfort others in the same way He comforts us. So I choose to not look at the negative of a situation and wallow in it, instead I actively look for opportunities to share the hope, comfort, and encouragement I have experienced to others.

Share your story: How have you found hope in challenging times? How have you seen being on the receiving end of someone helping you using their experience? How have you been used by God to encourage others from your own personal experience? Let’s inspire and uplift each other by sharing our experiences in the comments below.

In embracing the transformative power of embracing, I’ve learned that our struggles can become stepping stones to uplift others. Let’s journey together, finding strength in shared stories. May we continue to be the hands and feet of God’s comfort for one another.

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