I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to be Unburdened

Last weekend I hosted an event at my home. When greeting my guest at the door, I ask to take their bags, coats, and anything else that weighs them down. This allows them to relax and be unburdened.

When we are unburdened, we have the freedom to be more present and enjoy ourselves with the people we are with.

Jesus wants to do that for us too. When we come into His presence, He wants us to give Him our burdens, our baggage, and the things that are weighing on us. He wants to unburden us, teach us, and to give us rest for our souls. That is exactly what He is saying to us in Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬, when He vows,

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

What kind of physical reaction do you have when you imagine having “rest for your soul?” I know I have a visceral response to having rest for my soul. It feels like a deep inward sense of relief, freedom, and lightness, allowing me to feel more settled. For example, when I am up in the middle of the night ruminating about a problem or issue that is burdening me, I pray and ask Jesus to take my problem and give me peace. Before I know it, I find my mind quieted, allowing me to find rest.

As I said above, that is exactly what Jesus wants to do for us.  He wants to lighten our load, free us. All we have to do is to make the exchange: our burdens for His. What do you have to loose? Why not give it a try? You never know, you may just get unburdened.

Not only does Jesus want to unburden us, but He also desires to teach us a new way to live. When He says, ‘Let me teach you,’ He is inviting us into a process of growth and learning that is rooted in His humility and gentleness. He doesn’t just take away our struggles and leave us as we are—He transforms us through His wisdom, showing us how to walk in His rest daily. As we learn from Him, we begin to handle life’s challenges with a peace that comes from knowing we are not alone and that He is guiding and teaching us every step of the way.

Take a moment today to reflect on what’s weighing you down. Write those burdens down, and then in prayer, ask Jesus to take them from you. Trust in His promise to give you rest for your soul. Feel the difference as you surrender your load to Him. How will you walk in that freedom this week?


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