I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to be Led Through the Wilderness

What is holding you back from stepping out in faith into your calling? Is it fear of failing? Inadequacy? Uncertainty? Fear of the unknown obstacles, giants, or hills that need to be battled? I have felt all these things.

I have also stepped out in faith and, trial after trial, I wondered if I would have been happier or better if I would have just stayed where I was. At least I knew what to expect.

But one of the things that I have learned is that when I have stepped out in faith and walked through the wilderness, that is when I learn the most.

God did that for the Israelites when they left Egypt:

He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land which He had sworn to [give] our fathers.’” Deuteronomy 6:23 AMP

God brought them out of oppression, slavery, and captivity and into the wilderness in order to get them prepared for the promised land.

“The Lord your God will drive out those nations to make room for you. But He will do it little by little. You won’t be allowed to get rid of them all at once. If you did, wild animals would multiply all around you.” Deuteronomy 7:22 NIRV.

The Lord does this little by little because we are not ready to take on the whole thing right now. He is preparing us to take ownership of the promised land He has for each of us on this earth. We need to be patient, learn, and trust in Him every step of the way.

Once we get into our promised land, there will be giants to conquer, battles to fight, obstacles to overcome. But don’t lose heart; don’t get weary, discouraged, or afraid of these things. Remember, it is God who is clearing away these things on our behalf. Remember what He has done in the past? Remember what He has brought you out of? He will continue to do it again and again, and into eternity if we continue to trust and allow Him to lead us through.

Take hold of the promised land, the promises of God. Live fearlessly, believing who we are in Christ, not the fear the world tries to threaten us with. We can go boldly and courageously into our calling because God promises He is with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9).

Are you ready to step out in faith and embrace your calling? Start today by surrendering your fears and uncertainties to God. Trust in His plan and let Him guide you through the wilderness into your promised land. Share your journey and encourage others to take their own steps of faith by commenting below or sharing this message with someone who needs to hear it. Together, we can support each other in walking boldly into the promises God has for us.


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