I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to be in awe of God’s majestic creation

While on a business trip, I am chasing a sunset for the first time ever. It is so amazing. Here I am 30,000 feet in the air, the clouds just beneath the plane seem to stretch like a vast ocean, occasionally looking like giant waves in the midst.  It is breathtaking. Just the sheer beauty, but the brilliance and creativity of the creator of this glorious demonstration dichotomy of power, gentleness, and peace. It shows me just how small I am in contrast to the world as a whole, but it is allowing to view it with humility, awe, and spectacular praise because the my God Almighty who made this marvelous living art I am witnessing, I also call Abba (Daddy). He is so powerful, yet so gentle. So brilliant, yet so loving. So vast, yet so personal to me.

His glory is evident in His creation. “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” Psalms‬ ‭19‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As I look upon this beautiful masterpiece of a sunset, His most prize work of art is His creation of His/their likeness in human form! He wants us to mirror His likeness to the world like this sunset is being a demonstration of His glory! How can I show the world my Lord the way that would do Him justice? How can I live my life to show my thanks for creating me, using me, saving me, rescuing me? How can I do Him justice? I cannot! But the power of the Holy Spirit can work through me, speak for me, direct me to become a glimmer of His likeness to share to the world.

As I am writing this, chasing the sunset, sweet tears are falling. I’m breathing in Your peace, Lord. Your goodness, Your tender love. Breathing in and knowing that You are God.

“The Spirit of God made me what I am, the breath of God Almighty gave me life!” Job‬ ‭33‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭MSG‬‬

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2 thoughts on “I Choose Today to be in awe of God’s majestic creation”

  1. I’ve often thought about the song Sandy Patti used to sing “He could have made everything black and white and we’d have never known.” What an incredible display of His character to create such beauty. And how amazing to know that this Creator God loves me!

    • I don’t think I ever heard that song, but that is so true! Every color, every movement, every landscape that motivates artists comes from God’s amazing creativity. When we appreciate and stand in awe of a beautiful piece of art, we are really standing in awe of God and His glorious creation! And like you said, this amazing Creator love us! What an opportunity for worship!!!


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