I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to be Empowered by the Spirit

One of the most amazing things about the Bible—other than it being the very breath and essence of God—is that it is alive and active, working to transform our lives every single moment of every single day. When I read and study God’s Word, I often discover something new or have the Holy Spirit reveal a deeper meaning I hadn’t noticed before.

This happened when I was reading Isaiah 11:1-2. The passage begins by describing the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, as a Branch bearing fruit:
Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot—yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root.”

This verse paints a beautiful picture of Jesus’ ministry, growing out of what appeared to be a lifeless stump and producing abundant fruit. The chapter continues by describing how the Holy Spirit would anoint Jesus with seven qualities, empowering Him to complete His mission and purpose on earth:
And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him—the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord [awe and reverence].

We see this prophecy fulfilled in John 1:32, where John the Baptist recounts his encounter with Jesus:
“I saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and resting [making Himself at home] on Him.”

The Holy Spirit was essential for Jesus to begin His ministry and fulfill His purpose on earth. The Spirit empowered Him with the attributes described in Isaiah 11:2, enabling Him to teach with wisdom, act with understanding, guide with counsel, stand firm in might, and live in reverence to the Father.

Here’s the exciting part: through Jesus, these attributes of the Spirit are available to us, too! When we place our faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit makes His home in us, empowering us with His wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and reverence. Jesus Himself promised in John 14:16 that He would send the Holy Spirit to be our Helper, equipping and strengthening us for every area of our lives.

While Jesus embodied these qualities perfectly, the Holy Spirit works in us to grow these traits as we choose to walk with Him daily. Over the next few blog posts, we’ll take a deeper look at each of these attributes. We’ll explore how Jesus produced fruit through these qualities as our perfect example and discover practical ways to incorporate them into our own lives, allowing the Holy Spirit to produce fruit through us as well.

Today, take a moment to reflect on the incredible truth that the same Spirit who empowered Jesus is at work in you. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal which of these attributes He wants to grow in your life right now. Write it down, pray about it, and prepare your heart for the journey ahead as we dive deeper into His empowering presence in the coming weeks.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the scriptures we’ve explored today, I’ve created a free resource for you! It includes a breakdown of the key points and how they align with God’s Word. You can download it here: I Choose Today Empowered by the Spirit. Take some time to study, reflect, and pray over these truths as we prepare to explore the Spirit’s attributes together.

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