I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Listen with Intention

As you may or may not know, I wasn’t afforded—or prepared for—the opportunity to attend college when I was younger. So, during the Covid pandemic, I seized the moment and took on that challenge. I was determined to complete my classes as quickly and efficiently as possible. When I came across a class titled Effective Listening, I assumed it would be a breeze. After all, I considered myself a pretty good listener. Little did I know how wrong I was! What I thought would be easy turned out to be one of the most challenging—and rewarding—courses I had ever taken. This class taught me much more than how to simply hear what people were saying. It challenged me to become fully present in conversations, to listen beyond the words, and to pay attention to the emotions and intentions that lay beneath. It emphasized the importance of listening for understanding—both verbal and non-verbal cues—and approaching each conversation with empathy and compassion. Intentionality became the cornerstone of my new listening approach. One of the key takeaways was learning how to demonstrate active listening. This meant using body language, eye contact, and brief responses to show that I was engaged in the conversation.

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I Choose Today to Prepare for Life’s Rainy Days

Have you ever heard the expression, “saving for a rainy day?” The idea is to set aside resources now so you’re prepared for whatever comes later—whether it’s a challenge or an opportunity. Many financial experts advise saving at least six months of expenses to cover any unexpected circumstances. This principle of intentional saving is wise, don’t you think? But what about your heart bank? What are you storing there? According to Psalm 119, David offers wisdom on living a pure life when he says, “How can a young person live a clean life? By carefully reading the map of your Word” (Psalm 119:9 MSG). David continues, “I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11 ESV). David wasn’t just saving money; he was banking God’s Word in his heart for those inevitable “rainy days.” He knew that unexpected challenges, opportunities, and hardships would come his way. By storing up God’s teachings, promises, and guidance, David ensured that when those moments arrived, he would know how to respond according to God’s will. God gave similar advice to Joshua, saying, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so

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I Choose Today to Embrace Divine Solitude

Today, as I was reading about the life of the apostle John, two things stood out to me, particularly regarding his exile to the island of Patmos. The first is the time he spent there. John was on Patmos for about a year or two, exiled by Emperor Domitian around 95 AD. The exact length of his stay isn’t entirely clear, but what matters more is what God did during this time of isolation. While on the island of Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation. God gave him profound visions that have shaped the Christian Church for centuries. What strikes me most is that John was alone, in a quiet, isolated place, which allowed him to hear clearly from God. Without the distractions of the outside world, John could be still and fully open to God’s voice. Emperor Domitian intended for John’s exile to silence him and stop his influence on the spread of Christianity. But God had other plans. By placing John in solitude, in an environment where he could be quiet and listen, God did a mighty work. I find this incredibly significant because it shows that sometimes we need to step away from the busyness of

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I Choose Today to Surrender

I’m going to take you back to your school days. Do you remember the laws of multiplication as they pertain to zero? Any number multiplied by zero will always result in zero. No matter the number—whether it’s 2, 2,000, or 2 zillion—the answer is always zero. But when there’s a number greater than zero, even as small as one, it makes all the difference. The product will be at least as much as the multiplier—whether 2, 2,000, or 2 zillion. This brings me to the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (not including the women and children who were also present). It’s a story of God’s law of multiplication. There were so many people needing food, yet there seemed to be no resources to feed the multitude. That’s when Jesus asked what they did have. “Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. ‘There’s a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?’” (John 6:8-9, NLT) The little boy surrendered his five loaves and two small fish, and it fed a multitude—with plenty left over! “Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and distributed them to the people…

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I Choose Today to Rest with Purpose

Rest, Wait, Learn, Renew: These are Actions I recently read about someone who had to learn how to rest, wait, learn, and renew by being still for a period of time due to a medical condition. It made me wonder: What would I do if faced with doing “nothing”? Would the inactivity drive me crazy, or could I discover purpose within it? How could I embrace resting, waiting, learning, and renewing as this person did? What’s fascinating is that all these words—resting, waiting, learning, renewing—are verbs. A verb is typically seen as a word that describes an action, state, or experience. Yet, these particular actions seem passive at first glance. But are they really? When we delve deeper, we realize that even in our stillness, we are actively participating in something profound. 1. Resting: Rest is not just being inactive; it’s a deliberate act of restoration—of strength, health, and energy. True rest, especially rest for the soul, can only be accomplished through Christ Jesus. Isaiah 40:31 beautifully captures this: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not

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