I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Stay Attached

Every spring, my husband and I feed the 50+ trees we have planted in our yard. Along with feeding (fertilizing), we also see which branches are dead and cut them off. We then gather those dead branches and throw them into our next bonfire. These dead branches are perfect for lighting and keeping a fire going. They are brittle, dry, and light up quickly. Perfect for only being quickly consumed. Nothing else. After we cut off the dead branches, we then prune the remaining ones. With regular feeding and pruning, the trees become stronger, healthier, more vibrant, and produce more and better quality fruit. Jesus gave us this same example about our relationship with Him. As a matter of fact, He explained that the only way we can produce fruit is by staying attached to Him. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NLT A little further in the same chapter, Jesus tells us that each one of us has a special, unique purpose for this specific time in which we live: “You have not

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I Choose Today to Hear God’s Whisper

Have you ever had someone whisper something to you? You know, you are in a meeting, or a crowded place and someone wants to tell you something that is just for your ears? The words are so important to the whisperer that they felt compelled to share their message at that very moment. In the midst of life bustling around, they want to tell you something significant. How do you posture yourself in order to hear the whispered words? You probably lean (get closer) into the whisperer ever so slightly; maybe with your head and ear. You may close your eyes in a focused attempt to hear better. You drown out the noise around you, quieting your mind, so you can concentrate on the message. You don’t want to miss a word of the whispered message. In this moment, there is an intimacy between you and the whisperer. A moment where it is just a conversation for the two of you. Can you imagine this scenario? I’m sure you have been in this situation before, so it is not too difficult to imagine. We know the feeling of intimacy a shared whisper creates when experienced with another, but what about

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I Choose Today to Learn to Listen

In our previous sessions, we’ve explored what to talk to God about and how to talk to Him. Today, let’s dive into the different ways God speaks to us and how we can listen. In any relationship, communication is crucial. We invest time and effort to learn how to speak effectively and, just as importantly, how to be a better listener. Our relationship with God is no different—it requires intentionality to understand how to communicate and listen when He speaks. But how does God speak to us? Here are some ways: Through His Word (the Bible): – 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” – Psalms 119:105 NLT: “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” God gives us guidance, step by step, as we spend time with Him. Through Teachers and Pastors: – Ephesians 4:11-12: “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service…” Sometimes, God uses a pastor’s message, a teacher’s insight, or even a blogger’s post to speak to us. Through Other People: – Proverbs 27:17:

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I Choose Today to Know How to Talk With God: Pray

During my last blog, we discussed a conversation I had with friends about aspects of prayer. Together, we discovered what we are supposed to pray about: EVERYTHING (Proverbs 3:5-6). This blog will focus on how to talk to God. It is easy to talk to our friends, family members, co-workers, and even complete strangers. My family makes fun of me because they say that in the amount of time it takes to come down an elevator, I will know everyone life story! Now that is a gross exaggeration, but not too out of the realm of possibilities. For some of us, it is easy to talk to others, but what about talking to God? The reality of talking to the Creator of the universe seems daunting! What does one say to the One and Only Amazing Majestic God? Well, let’s once again go to His Word to find out how Jesus told us to pray. He said this when asked how we are to pray: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.

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I Choose Today to Talk About Everything

Not too long ago, some friends and I were sitting around talking when the topic of prayer came up. What do you pray for? How do you pray? Who do you pray for? What do you say? Then, how do you listen? There were some interesting conversations that came from these prompting questions. Over the next couple of blogs, we will discover what God’s Word says about these questions. And we will dive into how God speaks to us in response. The first of which is: what do you pray for? So, what do you pray for? Do you only pray when your circumstances in life are overwhelming, hard, and/or challenging all the solutions you come up with? Or perhaps it is when an emergency or illness arises, and there is no earthly way the issue can be solved and needs heavenly intervention. What about simple things like where to invest or spend your money? What about which job you should take or if you should change jobs? How about what you should say to your spouse, kids, or co-worker in response to a situation, whether good or bad? How about praying for how you should spend your day? All

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