I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Take Part in my Spiritual Genealogy

One of the popular things to do is to research one’s genealogy. Finding out who is in one’s family line is intriguing. If there is a discovery that a relative is someone of significance or well known, the person tells everyone who will listen, announce it on social media, and slips it into general conversation. What about your spiritual genealogy? Most, if not all, of our spiritual genealogy stories draw all the way back to Jesus. Someone heard the gospel from Jesus and believed. That person told someone else about Jesus, being our Savior, how He died for our collective sins (past, present, future), and defeated death by rising from the grave to ensure an eternal life with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! That person told someone else (and believed), that told someone else, and so on until it got to the person (or people) who told you. So your spiritual genealogy started with Jesus! How amazing is that!? You are spiritually related to the Savior of the world! Since Jesus is the Son of God, we are coheirs with Him, and also children of our precious Heavenly Father. How mind-blowing amazing is this; your

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I Choose Today to Know God who Does Not Change

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there! ——————————————————————— Have you ever had this thought, “God must not love me anymore because I messed up?” Or “God changed His mind about me because I am not living up to His standards; a disappointment.” Well, I have good news for you today, God hasn’t changed His mind about you, because God does not change! His love for you does not change! His compassion for you does not change! When life’s circumstances get way out of control and overcome by turmoil, God does not change! Here is the good news from the Bible (which is Jesus (John 1:1)), “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” And again in Malachi 3:6, God reminds us “I the Lord do not change.” And to foot-stomp my point, James 1:17 reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” These verses affirm that God’s character, nature, and promises remain constant and unchanging throughout time. We live in a time where things change at a very rapid pace. Technology changes so quickly. Just look at how often the

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I Choose Today to Feed From the Tree of Life

Genesis 2:9 (NIV) – “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Many still feed on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, but God will feed you from within, where the Tree of Life has been planted. In the beginning, God created a perfect garden, teeming with life and beauty. In the heart of this garden, He planted two significant trees—the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. These trees represent a choice that mankind has faced throughout history and continues to face today—the choice between relying on our own understanding and seeking God’s divine wisdom. Many still feed on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, just as Adam and Eve did when they reached for the forbidden fruit. This tree represents our human inclination to determine right from wrong on our terms, to trust in our limited understanding of the world, and to rely solely on our own intellect and judgment. The result

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I Choose Today to be Harvest Hands

In our discovery of what Jesus did with His hands and feet, I ran across these verses in the Message Bible, saying ”Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When He looked out over the crowds, His heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” He said to His disciples. “How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!”“ Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭35‬-‭38‬ Jesus saw the need. He saw people were wandering aimlessly, unprotected, and in need of hope, healing, direction, and love. His response to these wanderers: compassion. He saw the need for “harvest hands,” those who can work the harvest. His instruction was/is to pray to the God of the harvest to send more hands to the ones needing harvested. When I was growing up, I lived in a part of California that is designated as the breadbasket of the world. What grows there is distributed all over the world. I saw firsthand how the harvesters would go into the fields to pick the fresh

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I Choose Today to be Christ’s Hands and Feet: Go

As we continue to see the example Jesus left for us regarding how He used His hands and feet, I want to turn to where He went. In Jesus’ three-year ministry, He went to the people. He went from town to town teaching people – Matthew 9:35 – “Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom.” He met their physical and spiritual needs – ”… And He healed every kind of disease and illness.” Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭35‬b ‭NLT‬‬ Jesus went to people’s houses and built relationships with them (even sinners!) – Mark 2:15 – “Later, Levi invited Jesus and His disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. (There were many people of this kind among Jesus’ followers.)” He sought out the unclean and those who recognize their need for a savior. Mary Magdalene, Matthew (Levi), Zacchaeus. He was even chastised for eating and communing with such sinners. But that didn’t deter Jesus from going to the people; the ones who broken and needed healing. He intentionally  “…came to seek and to save the lost.” He went to

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