I Choose Today...

I Choose Today to Talk About Everything

Not too long ago, some friends and I were sitting around talking when the topic of prayer came up. What do you pray for? How do you pray? Who do you pray for? What do you say? Then, how do you listen? There were some interesting conversations that came from these prompting questions. Over the next couple of blogs, we will discover what God’s Word says about these questions. And we will dive into how God speaks to us in response. The first of which is: what do you pray for? So, what do you pray for? Do you only pray when your circumstances in life are overwhelming, hard, and/or challenging all the solutions you come up with? Or perhaps it is when an emergency or illness arises, and there is no earthly way the issue can be solved and needs heavenly intervention. What about simple things like where to invest or spend your money? What about which job you should take or if you should change jobs? How about what you should say to your spouse, kids, or co-worker in response to a situation, whether good or bad? How about praying for how you should spend your day? All

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I Choose Today to Not Worry

When circumstances become difficult or challenging, many of us spend a lot of time trying to come up with solutions. We worry about every detail—anything and everything that could go wrong or all the different variables. Sometimes we are so busy worrying, we become paralyzed by all the conjecture. We do nothing! But there is good news for me and for you: we are not alone in dealing with difficulties and challenges, and God has a solution today for tomorrow’s worries! Jesus Himself tells us as much in His Sermon on the Mount, saying: “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.“ Matthew 6:34 MSG I am in a season where I need to have faith and trust in God, not lean on my own understanding. I need to remind myself that God has tomorrow’s solutions ready for tomorrow, not for today. “Holy Spirit, please keep reminding me that tomorrow’s solutions are already taken care of and I don’t have to worry about anything. Remind me that God will

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I Choose Today to Plug into the Power Source

Have you ever had the electricity go out on you? Ever had a time where you were surrounded by utter darkness without any source of light to help you walk or navigate your way around? It is difficult to get around even if the place is familiar, like your home. We tend to walk slowly to ensure we don’t run into any obstacles which would inevitably trip us up, make us stumble, or cause us to fall. We feel on the walls in hopes it will guide us to a place of safety or a source of light. Sometimes we find something that would shed some light that would enable us to see a little of what is around. Maybe it is a flashlight, candle, or the light from our cellphones. That is good, right? At least it is enough light to see what’s right in front of us so we don’t fall. This type of light will help us survive the darkness, right? But the light’s effectiveness is not sufficient to thrive. It is when we have the power from the true power source (the electric company) can we see clearly and thrive. Jesus is our true power source,

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I Choose Today to Trust in God’s Plan

Let me ask you a very hard question: Have you ever been disappointed with God? Jesus? Did you ever expect something from God and felt He didn’t meet your expectation? Back in the time of Jesus, many were disappointed because Jesus didn’t live up to their expectation of what the Messiah was going to do for them. The Jewish community expected the Messiah to rescue them from Roman rule and oppression and become King of the Jews (Read Mark 15). So when Jesus died on the cross, even His closest followers were disappointed. Was what He said about Himself and God even true? What now? Were they supposed to continue looking for the Messiah, the one who is going to rescue them? What they were thinking about was the here and now; solving today’s problems. If Jesus was only there to help in their present need, what would happen to future generations? To the people who were not Jews? After all, they were the ones who labeled Him King of the Jews. But God and Jesus had something bigger in mind; something that would last forever, for whosoever will call on the name of the Lord! Their plan was for

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I Choose Today to Feel the Breeze on my Face

Do you enjoy the outdoors? What puts a smile on your face and joy in your heart? Is it the carefree laugh of a baby or child? A sunset or sunrise? Birds singing? A song that reminds you of another time or place? For me, it is feeling the breeze on my face, especially when I am at the ocean or a lake. It feels as though God is touching me with His presence through the light breeze. It shows me His gentleness; His presence. God reveals attributes of Himself in His creation. Paul tells us in Romans 1:20, “For ever since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through His workmanship [all His creation, the wonderful things that He has made], so that they [who fail to believe and trust in Him] are without excuse and without defense.” David shows us where to look in Psalms 19:1-2, proclaiming, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And the expanse [of heaven] is declaring the work of His hands. Day after day pours forth speech, And night after night reveals knowledge.” God is all around us,

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