I Choose Today...

I Choose Today: Embracing Intimacy With My Lord

Over the last five weeks, I have only been home four days. Some of the time I was with my husband, but most of it was spent apart. Sure, we talked everyday, most days multiple times, but it wasn’t the same as being present with one another.

A couple times a week, we would sit outside and just talk, laugh, or just enjoy one another’s company. We call this “back porch sitting.”  Being away, even together, isn’t the same as the togetherness we experience during our “back porch sitting” time.

The same is true as I spend time with the Lord. This morning when I sat down in my “quiet-time” chair in the corner of my office, I felt like I was coming home. Just me and the Lord, talking, studying, and just spending time together. I felt it all the way to my very soul.

It is the intimacy I experience with the Lord that I miss. Even though I spent time with Him while I was gone, it wasn’t the same as when we spend time together while sitting in my chair. It is an ordinary chair, but there is nothing ordinary about the relationship built experienced there.

King David experienced this intimacy with God as well. He had a special place where He wanted to just be in the presence of God, when he said,

“The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His Temple [in His presence].” Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬ (emphasis added).

Do you have a special place where you can experience this kind of intimacy with God? If not, I encourage you to find one today. It doesn’t have to be extraordinary—just a quiet spot where you can regularly meet with the Lord and delight in His presence. Take time this week to establish this practice and see how it transforms your relationship with Him. Share your experiences or special places in the comments below. Let’s encourage one another in our journey to deeper intimacy with God.


2 thoughts on “I Choose Today: Embracing Intimacy With My Lord”

  1. I, too, have a special place. It is there in the quiet of the morning (with a cup of coffee, of course!) that I spend time reading the amazing Word, praying for my family and friends and just talking with the Lord about my life, my day, circumstances… His presence is so real sometimes I just want to stay there forever. I am so thankful for my special place where Holy Spirit speaks to me, giving me comfort, guidance and strength for the day.

    • I love that you have a special place! And of course with coffee (one of God’s amazing creation to enjoy with Him)! Having such a place is such an amazing treasure!


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